I have a few veneers and I regret getting them. They come off periodically and sometimes I am able to "find" the veneers in my mouth (in which case I can re-apply with SuperGlue) and sometimes I'm not....which means that I have to wait with a funked up tooth until a new veneer can be made.
And because the integrity of your natural tooth is modified (etched so that the veneer can adhere better to your tooth), if you decide to take the veneers off, you'll forever have funked up natural teeth.
And lastly, because the veneer sits on the surface of your tooth, much like a false fingernail sits on your own nailbed, your tooth becomes "thicker" making eating some foods more difficult. For instance, I now find eating some sandwiches really hard to eat, especially if the bread had a hard/tough crust to it. I am also really paranoid that the biting action of eating certain foods will make my veneers come off.
I understand that almost all other veneer patients have no issue with the veneers coming off, but I sure do. I wish I had known of my issues with the resistence to the glue BEFORE I had my real teeth etched. Nothing I can do about it now.
In closing, I do have really nice looking teeth. That is...when my veneers haven't fallen off.