Dr. Monika Lee vs. Dr.Jennifer Schmidt


New Member
I am looking for a new doctor,and previously was going to see Marie Tarleton,but got nervous since she is not really a dr.,and I felt my issues were not simple-like a sinus infection-and needed the expertise of a real doc. I managed to get an appt. with each of these two who seem highly recommended on here,but need to choose one so I can cancel the other. My big issues are :I want someone who listens and does not just push pills,and will order tests when necessary,and I want someone who is willing to consider other options(leaving my current doc b/c I have a contrast allergy yet he insists on a CT w/it,telling me to "take a benadryl and chance it"),and most of all someone who is highly competent and knows their stuff. Please help if you can!


dr.lee listens. I spent over 35min with her on my first visit as I was having problems with coughing and found out from her that i have adult onset asthma which all of the other doctors never figured out and she gave me an albuterol neb treatment in her office. She listens to everything you have to say and she isn't one to push pills on you if you don't need them.


New Member
dr.lee listens. I spent over 35min with her on my first visit as I was having problems with coughing and found out from her that i have adult onset asthma which all of the other doctors never figured out and she gave me an albuterol neb treatment in her office. She listens to everything you have to say and she isn't one to push pills on you if you don't need them.

Hate to even do this but I have to ask...when she is talking to you for 35 minutes,is it in clear english? I really hate seeing a doc I can't understand!


yes the doctor speaks clear english no problems understanding her at all


No Longer the Kid
I used to go to Schmidt, my appt. times were never on time, but that is because she also listens, and goes over everything, so it didn't bother me only because I knew when I was seen she wasn't going to be in and out.

She seemed nice and everything. I used to go to her when she was in Wildwood. So I dont know how things are now where she is, but if she hasn't changed, I highly recommend her :yay:

(And she's white, so yes you'll understand her :lol:)


its very hard to get an apt with dr.schmidt that is why i changed doctors as everytime i wanted to get in with dr.schmidt they came up with some excuse of why she couldn't see me and that is the main reason i went to that office not to see marie tarleton who i dislike with a passion and will never go back now that I found dr.lee.


New Member
Dr. Lee is awesome! She speaks CLEAR English - no accent. I highly recommend her! :yay:

Yeah,sometimes there is still a bit of a barrier even when they speak english-I once told Dr.Sheth the albuterol makes my kid bounce off the walls and he sternly told me not to allow that,she could get hurt. Then,I realized what a demon-beast his wife is and took her to Dr.Miller.


and the good thing is a few months ago when i called dr.lee was taking new patients. Do you go to her too chasey?


New Member
Went to my appointment today. Minimal wait time,front desk people friendly.Dr.Lee nice,friendly. Only thing I disliked was the snotty lady - Jennifer? - in the lab. Someone else was feeling for a vein and I asked "See anything?" and she replied "We can't SEE veins. We feel for them.Thats why we feel your arm". MYOB,beeyotch! Otherwise,nice place!