Dr. Phil today


New Member
Having a episode on hoarding, might as well say they are having an episode on laziness. I hate people who are dirty, and i am sticking to it. She said she drinks all of the time everyday. This is what the problem really is...
A husband left his wife.
The wife became a drunk because she is depressed.
She stopped cleaning her house because she didn't care.
Now, it's such a mess that she dosn't wanna deal with it.
And blames it on her being an anorexic teenager.
and calls is "hoarding,"


New Member
Extreme laziness, not extreme hoarding. GET THOSE KIDS OUT OF THERE! That is, in my opinion, child neglect and abuse. That is not healthy for those kids to be brought up in that environment. And the 11 year old and 9 year old sleeping together on the couch? Dumb!!!!! Get social services or someone in there to help get those kids out and raised by better "parents."


New Member
I'm really glad nobody is sticking up for that nutcase..poor me, im a lazy drunk and i dont take care of my kids...boo hoo...HA!


New Member
I can't stand Dr. Phil and don't understand how anyone can watch his stupid crap.

I always thought the show was dumb, and i was flipping through the channels and decided to give it a try. I watched all of five minutes of it, and had to change the channel.


I can't stand Dr. Phil and don't understand how anyone can watch his stupid crap.

I never watch him either. Had the TV on today and never flipped to ABC after the Today show. Was busy cleaning. The house made me want to puke. How embarrassing that must be for the kids!
BTW, Vrai, did you know that the first substitute for your name that comes up on Vista is "rawboned". :lol:


I LOVE Dr. Phil!! I tivo him every single day! It's so funny Camily, while I was watching him tonight I was thinking I should post something about it. Insanity! Put's a whole new spin on Messy hoarding people!

She was about as boken as they come.