Driving cross-county


My 401K is now a 201K
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
Is a real pain in the ass when you're power steering is shot. I loved the lunch break I did not have today because I had to go to La Plata for something someone else was very capable of doing.

Okay, I cannot resist....
  1. "Is a real pain in the ass when you're power steering is shot."
    • Get it fixed???:smack:
  2. "I loved the lunch break I did not have today because I had to go to La Plata for something someone else was very capable of doing."
    • Did you try maybe talking the 'solution' through over the phone before venturing out with a possibly dangerous vehicle? (Like those folks from Verizon do with me when I forget to plug in my power strip for my computer. :razz: )
  3. Aren't there any drive-through joints open en route to La Plata?:lmao:
I apologize if I am appearing sarcastic, I'm really not trying to be....It just seems like you are making life harder for yourself than needs to be.



SEABREEZE 1957 said:
Okay, I cannot resist....
  1. "Is a real pain in the ass when you're power steering is shot."
    • Get it fixed???:smack:
  2. "I loved the lunch break I did not have today because I had to go to La Plata for something someone else was very capable of doing."
    • Did you try maybe talking the 'solution' through over the phone before venturing out with a possibly dangerous vehicle? (Like those folks from Verizon do with me when I forget to plug in my power strip for my computer. :razz: )
  3. Aren't there any drive-through joints open en route to La Plata?:lmao:
I apologize if I am appearing sarcastic, I'm really not trying to be....It just seems like you are making life harder for yourself than needs to be.

:smack: Stop! You are ruining his attempt at victimhood and sympathy.