

Football season!
I think all of us at one time or another have discussed the slow drivers in the left lane.. I need to get a copy of the driving manual that is taught in Maryland because I swear it must state in there that slow traffic should keep LEFT.. Went back home over the weekend and twice I came up on cars going SLOW in the left lane on the interstate.. And both times there were Maryland plates on the car.. And i'm not talking about cars hovering just below the speed limit.. There people were going at least 10mph UNDER.. If you want to go slow, that is your own business.. But please be nice and stay out of the left lane.. thank you.


You're all F'in Mad...
We agree, SmallT!

Keep the hammer-lane open and free from some-day drivers!


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by Barbra
Maryland SHA - Programs and Regulations*

*If you scroll down, you'll see Traffic Safety Laws.

Hint: I'm a male, and as such we don't read booklets unless we have either something that won't fit, or parts left over. :cool: So, what's that State Highway book say that we should remember?

As for Driver's Ed, yes, we have that in Maryland. When I took it, the asian guy who taught it was a worse driver than his students, living up to the typical stereotype. (But he took our money and signed our required certificates!!)


Last time I checked - It was illegal to exceed the speed limit in any lane....


Football season!
Yes kain, which is why I did mention the individuals being discussed were going well under the speed limit which is ALSO againt the law if you go too slow..


Both private and public driving class

My high school in MD has those driver's ed class. I chose to take private driver's ed over the summer. I had to work on the tobacco farm to pay for the cost of the class over the summer. I could not forget working 12 hours a day and then go to class at 7:30pm every Monday and Wednesday for total of 30 hrs plus 6 hours of driving on the road on Saturdays. The instructor noticed how good I was at driving. He asked me where did I learn to drive, I told him that I drove farm trucks, flatbeds, tractors, and dirtbikes. :biggrin: The instructor didn't bother to let me earn the 6 hrs and sign off the certificate. But then I had to wait until October to obtain my learner's permit.


I always found arround here if your not doing atleast 10 above the speed limit someone tailgates you.

The other day I wasnt paying too close attention and found myself going 70 down 235, but still someone wasnt happy and wanted me to go faster. It was the typical 17 year old Maryland Eminim wanna be, white tank top on with a sunvisor on backwards and another hanging from his rearview mirror.


Football season!
and I love when people mix speed and a wet surface.. I'm at a stoplight on Great Mills Rd tonight and the rain is pouring.. I look in my rearview mirror and see lights coming at me, fast. My eyes are glued to the mirror as I see the car getting closer and closer, knowing the road is very slick.. I guess he/she finally realizes what is going on and I see their back end start to fish tail as they try and stop.. Luckily they did, but by the time they stopped I could no longer see their headlights so I know they got pretty damn close.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
The law is clear, if you are ten or more miles per hour below the limit you belong in the right lane. But I have seen this everywhere in the USA that I have driven. Some people just don't get it.

The tailgating law is clear too, it says that you must leave enough room for an overtaking vehicle to be able to safely get in between you and the vehicle you are following. That doesn't mean you hover ten feet off the bumper.

I've been rear ended while sitting at a stop light, why, usually some moron way out in left field not paying attention to what they are doing.