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GOP Pulls Fast One...
Tells Dems: Pull Troops Now? Okay, then let's vote!!!!!
Tonight. 7 p.m.
Ultimate showdown


This will be rich. :yay:

Will the Dems figure that the Republicans have a majority and it will not pass anyway and all join Murtha?

Will Democrats roll the dice and vote against Murtha's proposal?

Will the Democrats vote against the proposal because it is the wroing thing to do and thus lose their # 1 wretching tool?

Only the shadow knows.

I love to see them taken to task for their rhetoric, put up or S T F U but I hardly believe it will phase them.

They have done a masterful job of demonizing Bush, especially since Bush and the Republicans waited until Jack the Ripper has a higher approval rating before joining the fray.
Pete said:
This will be rich. :yay:

Will the Dems figure that the Republicans have a majority and it will not pass anyway and all join Murtha?

Will Democrats roll the dice and vote against Murtha's proposal?

Will the Democrats vote against the proposal because it is the wroing thing to do and thus lose their # 1 wretching tool?

Only the shadow knows.

I love to see them taken to task for their rhetoric, put up or S T F U but I hardly believe it will phase them.

They have done a masterful job of demonizing Bush, especially since Bush and the Republicans waited until Jack the Ripper has a higher approval rating before joining the fray.
Hmmm... are you predicting this will be deferred success on the Dems part?


403 - 3 against withdrawl. :rolleyes: Even Murtha voted not to withdraw.

Democrats called it a stunt :rolleyes: Like Harry Ried's closed session wasn't a stunt.

Then they get all blistery and cry about the personal attacks, with the same mouths they call Bush a liar.

Effing hypocrits.


Pete said:
403 - 3 against withdrawl. :rolleyes: Even Murtha voted not to withdraw.

Democrats called it a stunt :rolleyes: Like Harry Ried's closed session wasn't a stunt.

Then they get all blistery and cry about the personal attacks, with the same mouths they call Bush a liar.

Effing hypocrits.

Those that suggested the vote last evening said they had the "sense" that the Democrafts wanted the deployment of troops be terminated immediately. Murtha voted against what was brought to the floor because it was not the safe withdrawal within six months as he suggested. On a lighter note, Fitzgerald is getting a new grand jury to investigate the CIA leak. Feel good news of the week huh?


Super Genius
Dixie said:
Those that suggested the vote last evening said they had the "sense" that the Democrafts wanted the deployment of troops be terminated immediately. Murtha voted against what was brought to the floor because it was not the safe withdrawal within six months as he suggested.
"Those that suggested"? Who was that? I don't remember anyone saying that. Of course, I did walk away on occasion. It could have happened, but it definitiely would have been the minority. What I heard was that it doesn't matter what Murtha's suggestion was...the media turned it into "immediate" withdrawal. The perception was "immediate" withdrawal. What I heard from Rep. Hunter (the guy that proposed the resolution) was that the resolution was sent out to send a clear message to everyone that the US is not for an immediate withdrawal.

BTW - who here thinks that an "immediate" withdrawal of the military means everybody over there gets on a jet tomorrow and comes home?


Super Genius
BuddyLee said:
Oh my, I wonder if Kerry's 2008 slogan will be "I voted for the war before I voted against the war before I voted for the war."
Probably not...Kerry is a Senator. He didn't get to vote :razz:


Super Genius
Oh yeah, one more thing...the cornerstone of Murtha's argument was a British poll that said that 80% don't like the foreign troops in Iraq and 45% think that attacking the foreign troops is justified...

My gut just tells me that the poll is not right. I'd really want to carefully scrutinize it before making any big decisions based on it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Had the Democrats had the stones to vote "Yes" to the immediate withdrawal, they could have brought down the Bush presidency and totally destroyed any credibility the Administration has.

But...no stones. So Bush wins. :lmao: