Drudge:Dems laughing over Gustav


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The Democrats have GOT to get a handle on this. They only thing they do now is offer a half-hearted excuse that these are fringe types and do not represent the party, but they don't really slap them down or denounce them. AND they still take their money.

Kos, DU, MoveOn, all these Hollyweird celebrities and their big mouths - normal people do not want to align themselves with this sort of nastiness.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
It's great how they love that a hurricane is coming, supposedly will hurt a GOP convention - when all the GOP leaders from the affected states won't be going anyway. That's because they know what their priorities are.

But boy, these same Dems will be the first ones screaming about the outrageous treatment all their fellow Dems had to endure after the disaster hits and they decided not to evacuate. Or be outraged that the stupid ones who stayed died because of it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If someone at...

...camp McCain hasn't figured this out yet, here yah go;

It is a blessing, call it Divine if you like, to have a perfect reason that W can NOT be at the convention. He is the object of derision, the lame duck, the hated one. So, let Cheney make the case for the administration because he does it better anyway. Let the convention be about McCain and Palin instead of the Dem show that was about Gore and Michelle and Hill and Bubba and Kerry and this and that and, oh, by the way, what's his name as well.

Then, with expectations lowered, no W to incite ire, have him show up, unannounced, the last night to introduce McCain. I can hear Micheal Moore's teeth gnashing now.


Larry Gude

Strung Out

The Democrats have GOT to get a handle on this. They only thing they do now is offer a half-hearted excuse that these are fringe types and do not represent the party, but they don't really slap them down or denounce them. AND they still take their money.

Kos, DU, MoveOn, all these Hollyweird celebrities and their big mouths - normal people do not want to align themselves with this sort of nastiness.

...they don't. I can't wait for the nutbangs, azzhats and moonbats to run WILD in the Twin Cities next week. I can't wait! A natural disaster might be on it's way to NOLA, but a political disaster is on it's way to Minnesodah.

Hey, America; Here's the people that brought you Mr. Obama. Aren't they just pleasant human beings?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I hope...

Fox News found out how pleasant they are.

...the protesters exercising their first amendment rights do that voodoo that they do, but big time. I hope they are just as ugly and nasty as they've ever been. I hope they show themselves and speak their minds.

God bless America.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I can't wait for the nutbangs, azzhats and moonbats to run WILD in the Twin Cities next week. I can't wait! A natural disaster might be on it's way to NOLA, but a political disaster is on it's way to Minnesodah.

Democrats used to be like Tip O'Neill, who was a partisan Democrat but not particularly nasty or vindictive. I miss those days.


Dancing Up A Storm
...the protesters exercising their first amendment rights do that voodoo that they do, but big time. I hope they are just as ugly and nasty as they've ever been. I hope they show themselves and speak their minds.

God bless America.

We certainly ARE a diverse bunch! :lmao:

Goofballs and democrats swing from the same vine, don't they?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Goofballs and democrats swing from the same vine, don't they?

...that's not true at all. You read around those sites and you'll see, amidst all the hatred and ugliness, plenty of people asking for the nastiness on their side to stop, that it only hurts them, that it helps FOX/Limbaugh etc, make the case so much easier against the left. There are plenty of decent, sincere good people on the left. There is also a great deal of simple human scum.

It's not fair to lump them all in the same basket anymore than it is to do the same thing to the right. I would argue, however, that there are far less simply ugly, nasty people on the right. We do have some. It's just not as pervasive in my view.


Dancing Up A Storm
...that's not true at all. You read around those sites and you'll see, amidst all the hatred and ugliness, plenty of people asking for the nastiness on their side to stop, that it only hurts them, that it helps FOX/Limbaugh etc, make the case so much easier against the left. There are plenty of decent, sincere good people on the left. There is also a great deal of simple human scum.

It's not fair to lump them all in the same basket anymore than it is to do the same thing to the right. I would argue, however, that there are far less simply ugly, nasty people on the right. We do have some. It's just not as pervasive in my view.

I think you must have missed the :sarcasm: in my reply! :lmao:


Active Member
normal people do not want to align themselves with this sort of nastiness.
Michael Moore makes me sick with the nonsense and hatred that spews from his mouth. I could not even watch his whole video. I turned it off when he was going on and on about how Bush and McCain were eating cake while Katrina was making landfall (or something like that). Like it was PERSONALLY their fault a large devastating hurricane hit.


In My Opinion
moore interview. Hurricane taking out the gulf coast, people dying, homes lost, land flooded, billions lost. = funny and a just thing.

same interview toward the end.

McCain is a bad man because someone called hillary a beatch once and he didnt defend her.


shows the true feelings of the dems to the lower income earners dont you think, and the idiots still vote for them.


New Member
Michael Moore makes me sick with the nonsense and hatred that spews from his mouth. I could not even watch his whole video. I turned it off when he was going on and on about how Bush and McCain were eating cake while Katrina was making landfall (or something like that). Like it was PERSONALLY their fault a large devastating hurricane hit.

Yeah, thats when I turned it off too.

Michael Moore looks like what he is---------scum.

This is what some Democrats look to for political guidance ,it would be funny if it werent so pathetic.


This Space for Rent
And now that hurricane isn't going to be the big bad Cat 5 they all prayed for. It looks to hit at the top of the Cat 2 range. Not only do we get to watch them meltdown and pray for destruction to help them out - but then we literally get to watch the wind go out of their sails. :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

And now that hurricane isn't going to be the big bad Cat 5 they all prayed for. It looks to hit at the top of the Cat 2 range. Not only do we get to watch them meltdown and pray for destruction to help them out - but then we literally get to watch the wind go out of their sails. :lol:

...what else? That NOLA and everyone else has MASSIVELY over reacted this time and that Katrina was a truly freak occurrence that you just can't prepare for because if we treated every storm like the BIG ONE, we'd all go broke because the actual BIG ONE is once in 40 years or so. Maybe.

AND had the crooks in NOLA not stole all that levy money AND had better land use policies and practices in place there wouldn't have been a problem anymother####ing way.
