Drudge Developing Story!


New Member
Sneddon asked judge this AM for permission to put into evidence the photos of Michael Jackson's splotchy penis/private parts that were taken in '94... Judge turned him down flat... MORE... Sneddon also wanted to introduce into evidence the drawing that boy Jordy Chandler drew of Jackson's penis -- so that it could be compared to the photos that were later taken by police of Jacko... Developing.. :twitch: :killingme


tomchamp said:
Sneddon asked judge this AM for permission to put into evidence the photos of Michael Jackson's splotchy penis/private parts that were taken in '94... Judge turned him down flat... MORE... Sneddon also wanted to introduce into evidence the drawing that boy Jordy Chandler drew of Jackson's penis -- so that it could be compared to the photos that were later taken by police of Jacko... Developing.. :twitch: :killingme

Kind of makes one think of all the cosmetic surguries he might have had down there too :jet:


"In 1995, Michael Jackson contacted the British Embassy to enquire about being knighted by the Queen, for his work with children." :lmao:


New Member
This whole case is enough to pizz off the Pope! The way they (the states attorneys) have handled it! He's going to walk! I think he is guilty as Hell :loser:


New Member
OH and his cute little nickname...Jacko...is that short for his last name? Or is it something he liked :confused: to do with his young playmates? And they just leave off the two F's.


tomchamp said:
OH and his cute little nickname...Jacko...is that short for his last name? Or is it something he liked :confused: to do with his young playmates? And they just leave off the two F's.

I think the tabloids dubbed him Wacko Jacko and the Jacko part stil sticks with him :shrug:


tomchamp said:
This whole case is enough to pizz off the Pope! The way they (the states attorneys) have handled it! He's going to walk! I think he is guilty as Hell :loser:

Have you been following the case at all? The states attorney did their job. The plaintiffs are a bunch of proven goddam liars.

I think that Jackson is a walking fruit-basket, and he needs more therapy than any one human being can get in a lifetime - but he's not a child molester. I was at the front of the torch-weilding mob when this whole thing started, but there is no way anyone can look at the evidence and testamony and think Jackson is guilty of anything more than inappropriate (and creepy) behavior.

Now stand back and watch as my Karma turns red.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
Now stand back and watch as my Karma turns red.
Not from me. I think Michael Jackson is guilty as sin - I firmly believe he molested those boys. BUT I also think that the mother is a con artist dirtbag and she basically pimped her kid out, but I notice nobody wants to talk about her role in this abuse.

They get all these former child celebrities to testify on Jackson's behalf...what are they gonna say? "Yeah, I was fondled by Michael Jackson"? That would be the end of their career, so of course they're gonna say, "Nope, not me! No turd burglars here, nosiree! Nuh-uh!"


vraiblonde said:
Not from me.


vraiblonde said:
I think Michael Jackson is guilty as sin - I firmly believe he molested those boys. BUT I also think that the mother is a con artist dirtbag and she basically pimped her kid out, but I notice nobody wants to talk about her role in this abuse.

I'll chime in.

That whore needs to go to jail.

That's what I think about her role.

vraiblonde said:
They get all these former child celebrities to testify on Jackson's behalf...what are they gonna say?

It's not only that. The preponderance of all the evidence suggests that Jackson is guilty of being a naive wack-job... but not a criminal naive wack-job. I think he desperately needs professional analysis. He also needs to be instructed on how to act around other people in general and children in particular. You just CAN'T let strange kids sleep in your bed, and not expect that to go unnoticed and rousing all sort of suspicion against you.

Justifiable and credible suspicion, at that.

It's like I said before - I was at the front of the mob calling for Jackson's balls on a platter - but now... I'm just not sure. I don't think he did it.


curiouser and curiouser
Toxick said:
It's not only that. The preponderance of all the evidence suggests that Jackson is guilty of being a naive wack-job... but not a criminal naive wack-job.
That only means he covered his tracks. Wasn't he abused as a child? It's awful to say, but the percentage of child abusers/molesters who were abused or molested themselves is high. It's a vicious cycle. :shrug:


New Member
Toxick said:
It's not only that. The preponderance of all the evidence suggests that Jackson is guilty of being a naive wack-job... but not a criminal naive wack-job. I think he desperately needs professional analysis. He also needs to be instructed on how to act around other people in general and children in particular. You just CAN'T let strange kids sleep in your bed, and not expect that to go unnoticed and rousing all sort of suspicion against you.
Justifiable and credible suspicion, at that. It's like I said before - I was at the front of the mob calling for Jackson's balls on a platter - but now... I'm just not sure. I don't think he did it.
I haven't been following but didn't they find the kids fingerprints on some porno magazines?


Mikeinsmd said:
I haven't been following but didn't they find the kids fingerprints on some porno magazines?

I believe that the kids knew the location of adult magazines (in a black suitcase somewhere in Jackson's room). I dont' remember anything about fingerprints.

And if I remember correctly, these magazines were of the Hustler and Playboy variety... i.e. pictures of nude (adult) women.


New Member
Toxick said:
I believe that the kids knew the location of adult magazines (in a black suitcase somewhere in Jackson's room). I dont' remember anything about fingerprints. And if I remember correctly, these magazines were of the Hustler and Playboy variety... i.e. pictures of nude (adult) women.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
They get all these former child celebrities to testify on Jackson's behalf...what are they gonna say? "Yeah, I was fondled by Michael Jackson"? That would be the end of their career, so of course they're gonna say, "Nope, not me! No turd burglars here, nosiree! Nuh-uh!"
:lmao: Jon Stewart was talking about Culkin and others testifying - "I can walk out on the street and grab 100 people who can get on the stand and say, 'He never molested me :shrug:'" :lol: