Drug Approved. Is Disease Real?


Well-Known Member
"Fibromyalgia is a real disease. Or so says Pfizer in a new television advertising campaign for Lyrica, the first medicine approved to treat the pain condition, whose very existence is questioned by some doctors."

Drug Approved. Is Disease Real? - New York Times

I shot pool with a lady who swore she had this. Hurt like hell but could shoot pool two nights a week. Oh but she had a constant supply of Oxy! She also claimed that accupuncture helped. :rolleyes:


I shot pool with a lady who swore she had this. Hurt like hell but could shoot pool two nights a week. Oh but she had a constant supply of Oxy! She also claimed that accupuncture helped. :rolleyes:
This is very real. The pain is real. Don't know about accupuncture helping, as my daughter has never tried it, but pain medications are not very affective.


Free to Fly
"Fibromyalgia is a real disease. Or so says Pfizer in a new television advertising campaign for Lyrica, the first medicine approved to treat the pain condition, whose very existence is questioned by some doctors."

Drug Approved. Is Disease Real? - New York Times

This article is contrary to everything I have ever known about Fibromyalgia and I have been dealing with it for years. First of all I wouldn't take Lyrica because the side effects sound worse than the pain from Fibromyalgia. Second of all you learn how to live with Fibromyalgia as you learn to live with anything else you have. Either you control it or it controls you. Personally I am going to live every day of my life instead of just existing. Lupus and Fibromyalgia did kick my butt when I first got diagnosed but I got back up on my feet again with the help of doctors, meds and God and I exercise, work and I feel better now than I have in years!


Well-Known Member
I shot pool with a lady who swore she had this. Hurt like hell but could shoot pool two nights a week. Oh but she had a constant supply of Oxy! She also claimed that accupuncture helped. :rolleyes:

I have it... It is very real :yay: I am not on Oxy but I do occasionally take vicodin. It is terrible, some nights I can't sleep at all :frown:


Well-Known Member
This article is contrary to everything I have ever known about Fibromyalgia and I have been dealing with it for years. First of all I wouldn't take Lyrica because the side effects sound worse than the pain from Fibromyalgia. Second of all you learn how to live with Fibromyalgia as you learn to live with anything else you have. Either you control it or it controls you. Personally I am going to live every day of my life instead of just existing. Lupus and Fibromyalgia did kick my butt when I first got diagnosed but I got back up on my feet again with the help of doctors, meds and God and I exercise, work and I feel better now than I have in years!

The side effects are supposedly horrible. I have not talked to my Dr. about it yet though.

I hate the feeling that I am a pill popper so I really try to watch how much I take and look to other things like a hot bath or heating pad. I have not tried the acupuncture, but I may look into that :shrug:


Bookseller Lady
This article is contrary to everything I have ever known about Fibromyalgia and I have been dealing with it for years. First of all I wouldn't take Lyrica because the side effects sound worse than the pain from Fibromyalgia. Second of all you learn how to live with Fibromyalgia as you learn to live with anything else you have. Either you control it or it controls you. Personally I am going to live every day of my life instead of just existing. Lupus and Fibromyalgia did kick my butt when I first got diagnosed but I got back up on my feet again with the help of doctors, meds and God and I exercise, work and I feel better now than I have in years!


Just about everything used for Fibro is "off label". Cymbalta seemed to help me quite a bit. I read up on Lyrica before the ads started airing and thought "I'll pass".


Free to Fly
The side effects are supposedly horrible. I have not talked to my Dr. about it yet though.

I hate the feeling that I am a pill popper so I really try to watch how much I take and look to other things like a hot bath or heating pad. I have not tried the acupuncture, but I may look into that :shrug:

Ask your Doctor about a prescription for Nova Care. They have a Water Therapy Program that will do wonders for you and your insurance plan should cover it (I have BC/BS Care First). Then they will move you to "land therapy". Even when they "dismiss" you from therapy you can still go to "After Care"" and it is only like $5.00 a session. I have 18 out of 18 active Fibromyalgia sites. This place was a real blessing. It's over by St. Mary's Hospital.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
I take Lyrica. :howdy: But for neuropathic pain associated with issues post spinal surgery. I'd have to recall what side effects are possible, but with most meds, they subside with time. I want to say that I've been taking it since October... I can see how it would help with Fibromyalgia as it is not unlike a soft veil that slowly alleviates pain. It's definitely not an overnight cure. It also helps with anxiety, if that helps anyone.


Poss Side Effects of SoMD Forums: nausea/vomiting, headaches, heartburn, hair loss, dry mouth, water retention, painful rectal itch, hallucination, dementia, psychosis, coma, death, halitosis, lung cancer, mental retardation, brain tumors, paralyzation, sleep loss, intrnl bleeding, gas, carpet sniffing, Windex addiction, claustrophobia, acne, , making Jesus cry, poor grammar, homosexuality, an urge to stab your spouse, inability to breathe, migraines, diabetes, deafness and of course, the trots.
Just noticed your sig line. :lmao: