Dry Cleaners?


New Member
This weekend my step-mother-in-law was visiting and she was absolutely astounded that I take hubbys work clothes the the dry cleaner. I thought this was a normal thing people do - apparently she didn't think so and couldn't believe that I would shun my wifely duties. Seriously - who washes and irons work/dress clothes when they can go to the dry cleaners? I have enough to do with 2 small children and keeping the house clean and everyone fed.


New Member
I use the drycleaners for all non machine washable and work clothes. I suck at ironing - so the husband always looks better in the dry cleaners clothes.

Tell your MIL to F-Off.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
This weekend my step-mother-in-law was visiting and she was absolutely astounded that I take hubbys work clothes the the dry cleaner. I thought this was a normal thing people do - apparently she didn't think so and couldn't believe that I would shun my wifely duties. Seriously - who washes and irons work/dress clothes when they can go to the dry cleaners? I have enough to do with 2 small children and keeping the house clean and everyone fed.

Oh, good grief.


I am so very blessed
Is your mother-in-law volunteering to iron her son's clothes? If so, great! If not, then she needs to worry about something else, like staying out of your business.
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I bowl overhand
Is your wife volunteering to iron her son's clothes? If so, great! If not, then she needs to worry about something else, like staying out of your business.

You going to pencil in some wifely duties for later today?


I wanna be a SMIB
why do I have to keep saying that the only good MIL is a dead MIL? Its a fact. Now go tell her to mind her own buisness and FO.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
This weekend my step-mother-in-law was visiting and she was absolutely astounded that I take hubbys work clothes the the dry cleaner. I thought this was a normal thing people do - apparently she didn't think so and couldn't believe that I would shun my wifely duties. Seriously - who washes and irons work/dress clothes when they can go to the dry cleaners? I have enough to do with 2 small children and keeping the house clean and everyone fed.

By DanceMom:

O.k.Girls - ready for this, Chainsaw will most likely freak.

Not only do I take clothes to the drycleaners, hubby mops our kitchen floor, does the trash, takes half the load of child care (yes I do stay home) and he give me a 1/4 of his paycheck every payday into my own checking account.

Yep I get PAID!

Good Gawd, I hope you didn't tell your MIL about THIS!


New Member
Good Gawd, I hope you didn't tell your MIL about THIS!

Of course, it's just entertainment for me - I have MIL #1, my hubbys mother and MIL #2 the whore who stole his daddy away. Both suck - so of course I share with them how wonderful and helpful and handy my hubby is - no other man does it better.


BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Of course, it's just entertainment for me - I have MIL #1, my hubbys mother and MIL #2 the whore who stole his daddy away. Both suck - so of course I share with them how wonderful and helpful and handy my hubby is - no other man does it better.


:shrug: In my mind, he's just a wuss.


New Member

I was not agreeing with you. I was being sarcastic in reply to BS Gal's post.

I am a SAHM of three. 3 year old twins and a 5 year old. Don't tell me how much you have to do and what you don't have time for... There is always time in the day for all we need to do. I even do my OWN laundry, as well as the 4 other people in this household - Imagine that.

I also scrub floors and toilets :dead: I manage to cut the lawn and take the trash to the dump, in my nice SUV that my husband bought me because I deserve it, not because I think I am entitled to it.



New Member
You can think whatever you want, my "wuss" is a wonderful, caring, loving, husband and father - who I wouldn't trade for anything - he rocks (wink wink)

If he actually had a set of balls, things might be different, but apparently he doesn't... :killingme

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
You can think whatever you want, my "wuss" is a wonderful, caring, loving, husband and father - who I wouldn't trade for anything - he rocks (wink wink)

Hopefully, he won't follow in his daddy's footsteps and get tired of you.