Duke vs. LSU...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...I don't care a wit about LSU basketball so, this is not Terrapin sour grapes by any stretch.

Duke gets more ticky tack fouls to go their way than anyone on the face of this or any other planet.

Sheldon Williams should have fouled out with about 15 minutes left in the second half.

The big Kid Davis got knocked about and hacked like Shaq does in the NBA yet no calls and he lays a finger on anyone else, FOUL!

Numerous calls, a bunch of them like this.

The refs took away what was dying to be a great, great game and turned it into a merely very good one.

Enough kvetching. It was still a good game and LSU played some of the toughest D I've ever seen. The kid who covered Redick was amazing. Redick has said he, himself, 'is not a great athelete' but he moves so well without the ball he always gets his shot off, even if he has to run off a screen or even two. LSU switched and recovered fantasticly and JJ was stuck taking tough shots all night. Hell, half of them he had to change his mind and pass in mid air.

If the refs let 'em play, LSU is my team the rest of the way.


Big Wheelin'
The last minute was great, Big Baby (not sure of his name) taking free throws, none of his team mates on the line, and still comes up with the rebound after his second shot because the dukies were just sort of watching the game themselves....
LSU had all the heart in the end, JMO

Larry Gude

Strung Out


Worse ref'd game of the century?


Free throws:

UCLA 20-39
Memphis 9-15


Memphis 29

Game score: 50-45

Now, I'm no fan of either team; all I ever ask is a good game. This thing was pretty good paced with some darn good players on both teams BUT, once again, the refs do a poor job and leave us with, well, all the constraints of a poorly officiated game.

Does a game need to be even on fouls in order for it to be a well officiated game? No. Does need to be close? No. But, when one team is going to the line more than twice as often, the whole game, well, I'm sorry. Not what I was seeing. UCLA got away with murder last night. Endless over the backs, a bunch of body fouls on the shooter.

Too bad.