Duncan Hunter’s wife to plead guilty in corruption case


PREMO Member
Margaret Hunter, the wife of U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., will change her not-guilty plea in a federal case alleging the couple spent campaign funds on vacations and other personal expenses.

Duncan Hunter, an Iraq War veteran and one of President Trump's earliest supporters, and his wife are accused of spending $250,000 for golf outings, trips to Italy and Hawaii, school tuition, theater tickets and other expenses between 2009 and 2016.

Both were indicted on 60 criminal counts related to the misuse of campaign funds and trying to conceal illegal spending.

“We are aware of Mrs. Hunter scheduling a hearing to change her plea,” Gregory Vega, an attorney representing the congressman, told Fox News in an email. “At this time, that does not change anything regarding Congressman Hunter. There are still significant motions that need to be litigated, specifically the speech or debate clause of the U.S. Constitution.”




Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What the hell is wrong with these people???

But you watch Ihan Omar skate..... She belongs in a federal prison - preferably back in Somalia - but nothing will happen to her.


Beloved Misanthrope
But you watch Ihan Omar skate..... She belongs in a federal prison - preferably back in Somalia - but nothing will happen to her.

Gotta admit... All those judges, prosecutors and other LE officials Democrats managed to get into positions really pay off for them.



PREMO Member
Omar - Tax Cheat Married Her Brother

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Campaign Finance Issues

The conservative National Legal and Policy Center filed an FEC complaint this week alleging that Ocasio-Cortez's team used two affiliated political action committees to funnel hundreds of thousands of dollars into a limited-liability company to evade campaign finance laws.

The two PACs ultimately paid the LLC almost $1 million during the 2018 cycle for campaign services. Meanwhile, Ocasio-Cortez's campaign directly paid the LLC just under $19,000 for services.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Gotta admit... All those judges, prosecutors and other LE officials Democrats managed to get into positions really pay off for them.


So here's what I'm thinking (and it's not terribly fleshed out, just noodling):

There's a certain personality type - sociopaths, for example - who are very good at manipulating others and playing a role to get what they want, which is power and money. Bill Clinton is a classic example of this. They have no moral compass; it's all about schmoozing and gladhanding the rubes to get what they want. They're grifters; charming panhandlers. They charm and flatter to get you to like them, then they go for the kill.

Humans are predisposed to being attracted to this charm and flattery, and once they get invested it's almost impossible to pry them loose. You can show them direct evidence that this person isn't who he's pretending to be, and they will reject it because that crook makes them feel good. Plus people don't like to admit that they were wrong. So once the grifter gets in, they are in for life.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
I really hate to play the "whatabout game." Each case should be adjudicated on its own merits. That is what the social compact demands/requires.

But then we see the former Republican VA governor & wife gone after, Hunter and wife, etc., but not Bill Clinton, HRC, Sandy Berger, Ilhan Omar, AOC, etc. and NOTHING happens.

I'm tired of being Charlie Brown to the Dems' Lucy. So yup, I'm now all in playing the "whatabout game." Until we see justice applied equally. I'm ALL IN.

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Well-Known Member
What the hell is wrong with these people???

But you watch Ihan Omar skate..... She belongs in a federal prison - preferably back in Somalia - but nothing will happen to her.

She's an American citizen, FYI.

So here's what I'm thinking (and it's not terribly fleshed out, just noodling):

There's a certain personality type - sociopaths, for example - who are very good at manipulating others and playing a role to get what they want, which is power and money. Bill Clinton is a classic example of this. They have no moral compass; it's all about schmoozing and gladhanding the rubes to get what they want. They're grifters; charming panhandlers. They charm and flatter to get you to like them, then they go for the kill.

Humans are predisposed to being attracted to this charm and flattery, and once they get invested it's almost impossible to pry them loose. You can show them direct evidence that this person isn't who he's pretending to be, and they will reject it because that crook makes them feel good. Plus people don't like to admit that they were wrong. So once the grifter gets in, they are in for life.

You can say that again.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Hey, what ever happened to the sexual assault investigation for Justin Fairfax? Oh, I forgot, he's a dem. Carry on, nothing to see here.

Too bad we don't have someone come forward and say that JF told fart jokes in HS.


Well-Known Member
So it's an iditoic statement.

She's got enough wrong with her that can be pointed out without resorting to "send her back to Somalia!".
Why not? Clearly she'd be happier there, because there's no doubt she's unhappy in and with America. The only other possible explanation is that she wants to turn the United States into the Somalian States of America.