Dungeons & Dragons: Wizards of the Coast Removes Problematic Lore


PREMO Member
Yesterday, Wizards of the Coast released a new Sage Advice by Jeremy Crawford with book updates to quite a few prior releases - Volo's Guide to Monsters being notable among them, as well as the Player's Handbook and Dungeon Master's Guide. Many of these updates are simply to remove the default alignment label on all (or almost all) creatures in the Dungeons & Dragons universe. However, the changes that community members are less than pleased about are those that cut a substantial amount of lore text from several iconic Dungeons & Dragons monsters - including beholders, mind flayers, and Yuan-Ti. The removal of this text prompted Greeny3x3x3, a D&D player on Reddit, to post a writeup of all the excised lore.

Many D&D players are confused by WotC's choice to remove content regarding beholders and mind flayers in particular, as the two races are categorically defined as "aberrations" in the game. Aberrations are typically otherworldly, monstrous entities with very little in common with the humanoids of the world, and typically possessed of an alien mind-set or way of thinking. This separation could reasonably exclude them from the need for sensitive treatment, but their lore bestows these monsters with behaviors that have the potential to be seen as intersecting with misguided ideas that people have held in real world history. In the case of beholders, parallels could be drawn to concepts of racial supremacy, and mind flayers practice the enslavement of other races. Although these creatures are clearly characterized as evil and monstrous, Wizards of the Coast determined that it would be better to cut down on the potential for problems that could stem from including such ideas with monsters in Dungeons & Dragons.

The full change list is too extensive to address in its entirety, but the general purpose remains mostly the same throughout. It could be said that the changes are unnecessary and do nothing but remove content and lore from the game, but it is important to remember that not everyone might feel that way. If making changes like this allows even a very small number of Dungeons & Dragons players to feel safer or more comfortable with the content in the game, it should at least be considered as worthwhile.

Ah yes so the majority have to endure the removal of content because of a few triggered individuals

Tyranny of the Minority Continues
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Mostly settled in...
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I've mainly used the WoTC d20 DnD as a resource for d20 Traveller character creation.

Still play a 1st edition D&D - 1sr edition AD&D hybrid with some Sapienza Vardy, Hargrave Arduin and Chivalry & Sorcery mixed in.


PREMO Member
more nonsense


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Mostly settled in...
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26 January 2023, 49th Anniversary of the initial publication of D&D.
Here are my original materials I started buying in December 1975.


Mostly settled in...
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I've bought some RPG books from independent creators. Castles and Crusades has a good feel to it.


Power with Control
Yesterday, Wizards of the Coast released a new Sage Advice by Jeremy Crawford with book updates to quite a few prior releases - Volo's Guide to Monsters being notable among them, as well as the Player's Handbook and Dungeon Master's Guide. Many of these updates are simply to remove the default alignment label on all (or almost all) creatures in the Dungeons & Dragons universe. However, the changes that community members are less than pleased about are those that cut a substantial amount of lore text from several iconic Dungeons & Dragons monsters - including beholders, mind flayers, and Yuan-Ti. The removal of this text prompted Greeny3x3x3, a D&D player on Reddit, to post a writeup of all the excised lore.

Many D&D players are confused by WotC's choice to remove content regarding beholders and mind flayers in particular, as the two races are categorically defined as "aberrations" in the game. Aberrations are typically otherworldly, monstrous entities with very little in common with the humanoids of the world, and typically possessed of an alien mind-set or way of thinking. This separation could reasonably exclude them from the need for sensitive treatment, but their lore bestows these monsters with behaviors that have the potential to be seen as intersecting with misguided ideas that people have held in real world history. In the case of beholders, parallels could be drawn to concepts of racial supremacy, and mind flayers practice the enslavement of other races. Although these creatures are clearly characterized as evil and monstrous, Wizards of the Coast determined that it would be better to cut down on the potential for problems that could stem from including such ideas with monsters in Dungeons & Dragons.

The full change list is too extensive to address in its entirety, but the general purpose remains mostly the same throughout. It could be said that the changes are unnecessary and do nothing but remove content and lore from the game, but it is important to remember that not everyone might feel that way. If making changes like this allows even a very small number of Dungeons & Dragons players to feel safer or more comfortable with the content in the game, it should at least be considered as worthwhile.

Ah yes so the majority have to endure the removal of content because of a few triggered individuals

Tyranny of the Minority Continues

Ah, yes, dangerous ideas.............


PREMO Member
Nope, but I kinda don't get the point.

EVERYTHING Has To Be Inclusive ....

DnD is FANTASY ... but Progressives HAVE TO FEEL REPRESENTED in a Fantasy Game

Queer, Gay, Trans and yes disabled

so there is this Trope now ... characters in Wheel Chairs to represent themselves IN A FANTASY SETTING With Magical Healing ... someone would be bound to a wheel chair.

Oh and having inherently evil races like Orcs and Goblins ... etc is Racist

and Orcs are secretly Tropes for Blacks