DynCorp guy got busted for counterfeiting money?


Well-Known Member
Anyone hear about the DynCorp guy that works at the Calvert plant that got busted for counterfeiting money?


Yeee hawww
Originally posted by Danzig
Anyone hear about the DynCorp guy that works at the Calvert plant that got busted for counterfeiting money?

PM ESEF she might know...your boy works for DynCorp in Solomons.


Be about it
2 nights ago they picked him up at work. The donkey was dumb enough to pay for his Arby's with a counterfeit $20 bill before going in to work (night shift) - while in his Dyncorp uniform with his badge on, etc... The chick realized the counterfeit and jotted down his license plate #. The cops picked him up not long after at work and found $50,000 worth of counterfeit bills in the car. He carpools with a few other fellas from Baltimore - not sure if he was in his own car that night or what. That's all I be knowin'!


Be about it
Originally posted by otter
Wonder if this chucklehead was using the counterfeit GWB 20s...:killingme

They were the new 20s, I do know that much!! I wonder if the chick used the counterfeit pen and realized it, or if they were just poorly done and she picked up on it right away!?


New Member
he shoulda copied fives instead of twenties:rolleyes: They never check those
(at least that's what a friend of a friend told me)



New Member
Originally posted by PFgal
Yeah...sure he did......:cool:

Who all wants dinner tonight... oh, and a new car? I'm buyin :wink:

j/k sheeesh, don't be sickin the suits on me :cheesy: