Dyson-Mckay feuds



Hadn't heard anything about them... I guess the St. Marys Today is a little slow on the uptake.

If you have some dirt shovel it this way....



New Member
Well Mckay told Dyson to support slots because Mckay feared that St.Mary's will get screwed in terms of state funding because their senator voted again the Govenor's precious slots. Dyson told him to stay out of state issues and that he has always opposed slots. Then Mckay and the rest of the board denied Dyson's next term on the St. Clements Museum board. That really ticked Dyson off and he is now going to try to block Ehrlich's appointment to the Chesapeake Critical Areas Comission. Dyson states that Mckay has never dealt with environmentalists and environmental issues before. The next months (or years) ahead look pretty bad between the two.


That really ticked Dyson off and he is now going to try to block Ehrlich's appointment to the Chesapeake Critical Areas Comission.

What a bunch of big babies! Why is Dyson taking his frustration out on Erlich? Really pretty sad when you think about it. :frown:


Kain, I think Erhlich was going to appoint McKay to the Board and Dyson is going to try to scuttle that appointment.


New Member
Just as senatorial courtesy in the United States Senate, such a system has developed in the Maryland Senate. The governor often informs the state senator of a district that he is naming a constituent of his to an appointed position and then that state senator provides either a seal of approval or rejection. As we have seen Dyson said no to McKay's appointment to an environmental board for the Bay. The official reasoning is that McKay has no prior experience in environmental policy.
The whole ordeal shows me that McKay has very little political sense. Dyson has been opposed to slots ever since the issue was risen. A statement that basically amounts to blackmail will do nothing to change the opinion of a man that is so ardent in his views and it will merely create resentment. After all, why should a three-term state senator and former US congressman listen to a first term county comissioner? McKay most definitely should have ignored this issue and instead let it run its course in order to ensure that his political stature was not damaged. Now he has a very powerful and popular state senator plus his brother-in-law delegate as his political enemies.