Dyson's Bill Passes Senate


New Member
Dyson's teen driving bill passed the senate 33-14 I think. I doubt it will pass the house committee though. Can someone tell me why Dyson is still a democrat? Geesh you repubs can have him!


Would this be the.... Sit your A$$ at home until your 18 Bill? God Love Him!


New Member
No the unfair set number of teen passengers with a teen driver bill. If this passes you could kiss ryken good bye and your kids will have another reason not to extracurricular activitys.


That's an even better Bill! God Man haven't you seen the stats on Teen drivers with more than one passenger?

I can live with you being Pi$$ed as long as you alive!


You could kiss ryken good bye and your kids will have another reason not to extracurricular activitys.

What? the Mommy's and Daddy's at Ryken can't be bothered to pick up their kids?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by smcdem
No the unfair set number of teen passengers with a teen driver bill. If this passes you could kiss ryken good bye and your kids will have another reason not to extracurricular activitys.
Come on, quit the sniveling. Have you bothered to read the proposal? It says that this is a secondary infraction. Meaning before they can just yank you over they have to have another reason. Also this “ban” is only active for the first 181 days after obtaining a license. Plenty of other exemptions to allow for the new driver to transport family members.

If this passes, and there is a similar bill in the House now, how bad would it be? And if you and your buddies cooled your jets while cruising to school no one will notice.


New Member
Originally posted by Kain99
That's an even better Bill! God Man haven't you seen the stats on Teen drivers with more than one passenger?
I second that, both from a statistical perspective and from personal experience!

The only accident I've ever been involved in was when I as a teen was driving with another teen in the car. I wasn't paying attention, enjoying the freedom and chance to show-off too much. Took a right-hand turn... too wide... and hit a stopped car squarely in the nose. No excuse, I wasn't even looking to see if there was a car there. If I had been alone instead of showing off or yapping it up with my bud, it would've never happened. I wasn't experienced enough at that age to have been behind the wheel with that much distraction.

Need more proof? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A63484-2003Mar8.html and http://www.charlotte.com/mld/observer/news/opinion/4606618.htm and http://www.iii.org/media/hottopics/insurance/teendrivers/

"Teenage Drivers and their Passengers: The National Transportation Safety Board has issued a new recommendation for states to enact a measure that would allow only one passenger in a car driven by a teenager, unless someone over the age of 21 is also in the car. The federal authorities note statistics showing that teen drivers are twice as likely to be involved in a traffic accident as older drivers, and almost five times as likely to have an accident if there are passengers in the car. As of December 2002, 24 of the approximately three dozen states with GDLs included some passenger restrictions. (See also Teenagers and Safety Belts.)"

Kids + More Kids + Cars = A Disaster Waiting to Happen


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This is actually Democrats' fault and it's just like a Democrat to want a bill like this. Why? Here's why:

Democrats are much more likely to indulge their children - give them everything under the sun, including buy them cars. Think of all the soccer Moms who voted for Bill Clinton. As a result, there are more teens on the road than there was 20 years ago simply because we have too many Democrats trying to buy their kids' love and give them stuff to make up for not spending any time with them or teaching them to behave properly. Consequently, these spoiled brats have never had boundaries because Mommy and Daddy never gave them any, so they drive like maniacs.

And our favorite Democrat, rather than encourage people to teach their children and set rules for them, wants to put forth a law and make all these kids wards of the state. :cool:

Which also explains why SMC and his buddies won't be able to get to school or participate in extracurricular activities. If their folks can't be bothered to teach them safe driving and enforce it, why would we expect they might actually take time out of their busy schedule to drive them somewhere? :cool:


Sorry about that chief.
God, I hope Erlich doesn't sign it if it does get to him. What's next, mandatory bike helmets like some states have. When will some dems (and republicans) realize that we don't want or need for the government to take care of us, we are supposed to be able to do that ourselves.

By the way, of the 5 :eek: cars I wrecked as a teenager, I was alone all but one time. Of course it was the '70s and there were extenuating factors involved...


New Member
To me this bill is just a smack in the face to kids who take driving and their after school activitys seriously. If dyson wants to impose a bill on me, than he should let me vote. I think Dyson should worry about our schools, not teen drivers. Dyson should learn some priorities and change is party. The democratic party protects and defends civil liberties, obvioulsy he doesn't.


Of course it was the '70s and there were extenuating factors involved
:lmao: just think about what those extenuating factors could have been, but you said you were alone so ahh... Well, the bill does seem reasonable to me. I lost way too many friends in fatal car accidents, and in my job, I have seen the effects of too many teens in one car. I was NOT allowed to have passengers in my vehicle unless my father said it was ok. Of course this was after having an accident talking to my girlfriend in the car and backing into a vehicle.

All the bill does is restrict a new driver from having any passenger in the vehicle who isn't a relative. It really isn't a big deal.
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Sorry about that chief.
But the most important thing for a teen would be (I think, trying to remember that far back) how do you and your steady go necking in the Ford Country Squire?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by smcdem
To me this bill is just a smack in the face to kids who take driving and their after school activitys seriously. If dyson wants to impose a bill on me, than he should let me vote. I think Dyson should worry about our schools, not teen drivers. Dyson should learn some priorities and change is party. The democratic party protects and defends civil liberties, obvioulsy he doesn't.
How does it smack them in the face? If they are complying with all the other laws then they cannot be stopped because there are other teens in the car. It is only when they haven't taken their driving seriously that they will be stopped and if found in violation of this proposal then and only then will they be cited.

As to you voting, get over it. These people are trying to protect the likes of you because it has been shown that many like you act like maniacs once they get behind the wheel.


Football season!
On a similar note, I think they need to pass a law for yearly mandatory driving tests for older people. Set a specific age, and everyone at that age and older must complete the driving test or lose their license. I have actually heard these people say "You're trying to take away my license, and I need it to survive". Saying that means you OBVIOUSLY are scared you WON'T pass and should not be on the road any more. They even talk about losing their "right to drive", thought since I was 16 I hear the speech over and over again that driving is not a right.
An elderly person with very poor sight or slow motor skills is MUCH more dangerous than anything else on the road (besides women putting making up on wile driving, but that is a different story).

But again, people get upset saying they are singling out a specific group (as if dyson's bill doesn't?). But unlike dyson's bill, you get a chance to "prove yourself" so the only ones being targeted truly are the ones who pose the greatest risk. And if the main focus is saving lives, get gramps off the road if they no longer have the skills it takes to be a safe driver.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Plus that, SMC, we can't even trust you to drive a car properly - why would we trust you with something as important as voting? :neener:


Originally posted by smcdem
To me this bill is just a smack in the face to kids who take driving and their after school activitys seriously. If dyson wants to impose a bill on me, than he should let me vote. I think Dyson should worry about our schools, not teen drivers. Dyson should learn some priorities and change is party. The democratic party protects and defends civil liberties, obvioulsy he doesn't.

Oh come on. This bill is typical Democrat. You are not smart enough nor responsible enough to regulate your own kids driving so the government is going to do it for you, for your own good. It is the same old overstepping and intrusiveness we have all learned to love from the party of BIG GOVERNMENT. You are not allowed to push your champions off on us just because he finally proposes a bill that affects you directly. As far as voting, of course in this representative democracy, you did by proxy vote for the bill, and helped propose it too when you voted Democrat.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
On a similar note, I think they need to pass a law for yearly mandatory driving tests for older people. Set a specific age, and everyone at that age and older must complete the driving test or lose their license. I have actually heard these people say "You're trying to take away my license, and I need it to survive". Saying that means you OBVIOUSLY are scared you WON'T pass and should not be on the road any more. They even talk about losing their "right to drive", thought since I was 16 I hear the speech over and over again that driving is not a right.
An elderly person with very poor sight or slow motor skills is MUCH more dangerous than anything else on the road (besides women putting making up on wile driving, but that is a different story).

But again, people get upset saying they are singling out a specific group (as if dyson's bill doesn't?). But unlike dyson's bill, you get a chance to "prove yourself" so the only ones being targeted truly are the ones who pose the greatest risk. And if the main focus is saving lives, get gramps off the road if they no longer have the skills it takes to be a safe driver.
While I agree that many of the seniors out there are slow reacting and maybe shouldn’t be driving I doubt if this would get any real consideration. If they pick an arbitrary age they will have the ACLU all over them because of age discrimination. Now if everyone was to submit to annual or bi-annual reaction testing and everyone was tested, all things being equal, then I think it would be great and might actually get some of the poor drivers off the roads. But to isolate one group because of age might ruffle some feathers of the elderly.


Football season!
Originally posted by Ken King
But to isolate one group because of age might ruffle some feathers of the elderly.

I think (though I shy away from trying to figure out what smcdem really means) this is where smcdems was going with his argument, except replacing elderly with teens.
Teens can pose a threat on the roads because lack of driving skills, and adults can be a threat because a lack of motor skills.

But I can also see where the ACLU would get involved, and my only statement to them would be "if they are fit to drive, there won't be a problem"

an elderly neighbor back home got into 3 or 4 accidents in the exact same intersection over a 2 month period. The last time, the judge finally found out what was going on. There was a sign that said "Right turn on red after stop". Well, that is exactly what he did. Stopped, then went. Never looked to see if traffic was coming. Scary stuff.


New Member
To smcdem

Ok, buddy...understand this. Senator Roy Dyson is the best Democrat that we have here in St. Mary's County. He is very politically savvy and understood during the last election that Ehrlich was very popular here and that his support of Kathleen Townsend would hurt him politically in a year that he had a credible challenge in the general. Despite that he campaigned for her tirelessly. He went to each of her local rallies when I didn't see Delegate Wood there or other Democratic county commissioners. Dyson is a wonderful Democrat; he is not excessively independent nor is he excessively liberal. And smcdem, did you see that our distinguished Democratic senator decided to reject Governor Ehrlich's anti-environment nominee for the Department of Natural Resources? And do you see that he opposes slots? This is a wonderful man and a great Democrat. And still, smcdem, we never want someone to switch from our party. We are a big-tent party and we must continue that tradition.