
Larry Gude

Strung Out
Good Lord...

...Seattle started the year looking like the NFC kings after crushing the Giants in week 3, who had just stolen one from the Eagles who liked like they were gonna self destruct.

Then the Giants reeled off 5 straight beating Dallas and Atlanta and ascending to the throne along with the Bears.

Then the Bears put the Giants back in there place, sending them spiraling off to a 1-6 streak while Dallas came to life and New Orleans started dreaming.

New Orleans had already beaten the Eagles, who were losing to Tampa, the Jags and Indy and seemingly out of it, yet the Saints also raised doubts losing to both Cinncy and Pittsburgh.

At this point, Dallas was coming on strong, convincingly beating Indy, putting the final nail in the Giants coffin and yet losing to those damn Saints. All this while the Bears rolled merrily along, like a car with square wheels, losing people to injury and winning with a qb who made everyone wish he was replaced while the Skins were finally happy to be losing with a qb everyone liked. The Sea hawks also limped back into their place atop the NFC West, beating Denver but losing to the 49ers, TWICE.

And all this time, the background noise was there in green, quietly pelting Santa with snowballs, knocking over little old ladies getting to the beer man and taking candy from children, the Eagles.

Ain't nobody want to play them right now. At least not anyone in the NFC.

The Bears ain't all that having dominated a soft schedule, beating only Seattle while losing to Miami and New England in their notable games, a win over the Giants made meaningless by NY's spiraling demise.

The Cowboys did beat Indy but lost to New Orleans and the Eagles, twice.

The Saints don't look good against the AFC.

The Sea hawks at least competed with a Chargers team trying to secure home field.

The Skins, at 5-10, still have an outside chance.

And that leaves Philly, losers to NO and Indy and Jax, yet, clearly, owners of the Cowboys and, somehow, the only NFC team that leaves me with any feeling that they would have a prayer in the Super bowl.

Nanny Pam

Larry Gude said:
...And all this time, the background noise was there in green, quietly pelting Santa with snowballs, knocking over little old ladies getting to the beer man and taking candy from children, the Eagles.

Ain't nobody want to play them right now. At least not anyone in the NFC.

The Cowboys did beat Indy but lost to New Orleans and the Eagles, twice.

And that leaves Philly, losers to NO and Indy and Jax, yet, clearly, owners of the Cowboys and, somehow, the only NFC team that leaves me with any feeling that they would have a prayer in the Super bowl.

Awwwwwww Larry...:huggy: