E-Harmony for gays

Should E-Harmony have given in without a fight?

  • Yes, it's only fair that homos can use the site too

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • No, it's sick. They have their own sites. Leave E-harmony for normal people only

    Votes: 9 39.1%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 12 52.2%

  • Total voters

Uncle Rico

New Member
A well-known Christian activist says it's outrageous that the founder of the world's largest online dating site has bowed to the pressure of homosexuals.

eHarmony was founded by Dr. Neil Clark Warren who is a professing Christian. Three years ago, a homosexual filed a lawsuit claiming he was the victim of discrimination when the company refused to accept his advertisement for a same-sex partner. And now eHarmony has agreed to begin matching homosexual couples -- a decision that stemmed from the lawsuit settlement.

Dr. Ken Hutcherson is pastor of Antioch Bible Church in Redmond, Washington and he is not surprised with the court's ruling against eHarmony. However, Dr. Hutcherson says eHarmony should have taken a stand.

"To bow and say okay…that is turning against God who made his business successful," he argues.

Hutcherson says it is time for Christians to take a stand. "We're simply becoming evan-jellyfish with no spiritual vertebrae…and I'm appalled, I am mad, I am frustrated. I want to fight this and that is something we need to do," he chides.

Hutcherson says the Lord will never bless a business that puts the dollar above God's word. Through a press release, eHarmony said although company officials believed the complaint resulted from an unfair characterization of their business, they ultimately decided it was best to settle the case because of the unpredictable nature of continued litigation.


Well-Known Member
I could care less about the religious aspects of this argument.

I just think it's ridiculous that a man has to amend his business to provide for a specific portion of the population.

It *might* be relevant if there were no other venues for online dating.


But there are countless sites, and any lawsuit on this ought to be thrown out of court. There's just no way in hell gays are injured by lack of support on eHarmony. Hell, I know of plenty of *straight* people who were either rejected by eHarmony or got nothing out of it.


New Member
What is a xaquin, anyway? Or, is that just one of those made up ethnic names that your mommy gave you?

Ethnic name?

Sorry, not the case =)

It's a whole long doofy story about why this is my screen name and it isn't worth typing out really hehe

Is your name Rico? Or, is that just one of those made up ethnic names that your mommy gave you?

(incidentally, all names are made up .... some are just more traditional than others)


Well-Known Member
I could care less about the religious aspects of this argument.

I just think it's ridiculous that a man has to amend his business to provide for a specific portion of the population.

It *might* be relevant if there were no other venues for online dating.


But there are countless sites, and any lawsuit on this ought to be thrown out of court. There's just no way in hell gays are injured by lack of support on eHarmony. Hell, I know of plenty of *straight* people who were either rejected by eHarmony or got nothing out of it.
Outside of thinking it might be relevant if there were no other venues (it's not eHarmony's job to provide a venue to anyone who wants one), I couldn't agree with this post more.


eHarmony was founded by Dr. Neil Clark Warren who is a professing Christian.

In my opinion, Dr. Neil Clark Warren should be the only one who has a say-so about what is allowed on E-Harmony.

He shouldn't have been forced to implement gay eDating if he didn't want to, and he shouldn't be forced to listen to this #### either.

Try to do something nice for people, and this is what happens...


New Member
A well-known Christian activist says it's outrageous that the founder of the world's largest online dating site has bowed to the pressure of homosexuals.

eHarmony was founded by Dr. Neil Clark Warren who is a professing Christian. Three years ago, a homosexual filed a lawsuit claiming he was the victim of discrimination when the company refused to accept his advertisement for a same-sex partner. And now eHarmony has agreed to begin matching homosexual couples -- a decision that stemmed from the lawsuit settlement.

Dr. Ken Hutcherson is pastor of Antioch Bible Church in Redmond, Washington and he is not surprised with the court's ruling against eHarmony. However, Dr. Hutcherson says eHarmony should have taken a stand.

"To bow and say okay…that is turning against God who made his business successful," he argues.

Hutcherson says it is time for Christians to take a stand. "We're simply becoming evan-jellyfish with no spiritual vertebrae…and I'm appalled, I am mad, I am frustrated. I want to fight this and that is something we need to do," he chides.

Hutcherson says the Lord will never bless a business that puts the dollar above God's word. Through a press release, eHarmony said although company officials believed the complaint resulted from an unfair characterization of their business, they ultimately decided it was best to settle the case because of the unpredictable nature of continued litigation.

You seem like a very hateful person. And I bet you think you're a righteous person who's going to heaven :roflmao:


Adding Diversity to SOMD
Isn't this a pay site?? If so, I think this has more to do w/ money; then anything else. If E-harmony is a business then allowing gays just opened up his business to a whole new clientele which in turn will make him more money. If he truly felt that strongly about it, he would have fought it in court....Im throwing the :bs:

He wants gays on his site to make money........


Well-Known Member
Depends on who you ask. God wanted the first 10 of goods, no matter the quality, the Church wants 10%.

There is a difference
True. One from God, one not. Which was kinda the point of my question.

You say "the Church" like there's one church and it represents all religious people and whatever it says is what religion is.

There's religion, and there are many, many, many churches. And they're different.
I could care less about the religious aspects of this argument.

I just think it's ridiculous that a man has to amend his business to provide for a specific portion of the population.

Agreed. Government has no business telling anyone how broad or narrow their product line has to be.

If eHarmony agreed to settle with someone and changed their business model because they deemed it was in their business interests to do so, then fine. But if they were forced to by some court ruling, then that's preposterous. No one has a right to have the marketplace offer the exact product that they want. Businesses decide which products and services to offer - the marketplace, not the government, tells them if they've offered the right ones.


Adding Diversity to SOMD
Agreed. Government has no business telling anyone how broad or narrow their product line has to be.

If eHarmony agreed to settle with someone and changed their business model because they deemed it was in their business interests to do so, then fine. But if they were forced to by some court ruling, then that's preposterous. No one has a right to have the marketplace offer the exact product that they want. Businesses decide which products and services to offer - the marketplace, not the government, tells them if they've offered the right ones.

True, Government has no right telling a business what kind of product they should have/produce. But the article said he changed as part of a settlement....... That is why I'm throwin the :bs:

If he truly didn't want to cater to gays on his site he should have stood by his convictions and fought it in court.... I think he realized it was a smart business move and it "settled":whistle: out of court...


I would have closed the site down .... he should move it off shore somewhere ....

Do Straights go looking for Straights on G & L Dating sites ..... I think not

this is just another case of Gays forcing the intolerance on others ....