E.L.F Make-up $1.00


Just got this email. Thought I'd pass it on

Check this website out... Nordstrom is repackaging their e.l.f. (eyes lips face) line in 2009 with aNordstrom logo, so they are selling all the current stuff for $1 each.EVERYTHING including brushes, tools, cleansers, etc.

This is the link: Cosmetics | Makeup | elf | EyesLipsFace.com

THEN - when you are checking out, enter the promo code CAROLINA and youwill save an extra $7.50 if your order is over $15.00. They have a shipping deal going on as well. Happy shopping...


E.L.F is THE CHEAPEST POS brand of make-up ever made. It's a scam.
snopes.com: e.l.f. Cosmetics

I ordered a few items and found this crap to be the lowest quality garbage on the market. Wal-mart cheap-o brand make-up is higher quality. I'm not talking Cover-Girl either....I'm talking that Wet n Wild (w/e its called) stuff for like, 99 cents.

Don't waste your money. I'm glad I only spent a few bucks. What I did get a deal on was the make-up tools. Brushes, pads, nail cleaner, etc. That stuff was worth a dollar.

The eye makeup is like loose powder and doesn't cover. The blush was the same and like brushing dirt on your skin. The concealer is old and felt like I was dabbing Crisco on my face. Actually, Crisco would have felt better, no doubt. Mascara and eyeliner: garbage. Doesn't go on smoothly; flakes and is easily rubbed off.

You get what you pay for.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
Just got this email. Thought I'd pass it on

Check this website out... Nordstrom is repackaging their e.l.f. (eyes lips face) line in 2009 with aNordstrom logo, so they are selling all the current stuff for $1 each.EVERYTHING including brushes, tools, cleansers, etc.

This is the link: Cosmetics | Makeup | elf | EyesLipsFace.com

THEN - when you are checking out, enter the promo code CAROLINA and youwill save an extra $7.50 if your order is over $15.00. They have a shipping deal going on as well. Happy shopping...

I thought you were taking a :poke: at me :frown: Whew!


Ummmmm ....
I ordered some a while back when they ran this promo a while ago .... Not impressed with the make up. I wouldn't order any.