E-mail scandal sinks Texas prosecutor............


Ubi bene ibi patria
" HOUSTON, Texas (AP) -- A district attorney who's considered the state's most powerful prosecutor resigned Friday under the weight of a scandal involving the release of dozens of pornographic, racist and political e-mails on his office computer.

Harris County District Attorney Chuck Rosenthal blamed the bizarre inbox contents, which included love notes to his secretary and campaign strategizing, on a combination of drugs he had been prescribed that affected his judgment, the Houston Chronicle reported.

Alan Curry, chief of the district attorney's appellate division, confirmed the resignation.

Rosenthal has endured a public outcry, including a street demonstration by hundreds of people, and calls from his own Republican Party officials for his resignation since a federal judge mistakenly released the e-mails as part of a lawsuit against the Harris County Sheriff's Office.

On Friday, the lawyer who brought the lawsuit, Lloyd Kelley, sued to have Rosenthal removed from office on grounds of misconduct, incompetence and drinking on the job.

Rosenthal, whose office has sent more people to death row than any other local agency in the country, did not immediately return a telephone message seeking comment Friday.

Rosenthal was forced off the March 4 GOP primary ballot by the scandal"

E-mail scandal sinks Texas prosecutor - CNN.com


Lovin' being Texican
...as his own assistant district attorney, Kelley Siegler, now a candidate to replace him, said publicly he should resign. Her husband, Sam, had sent Rosenthal several of the offensive e-mails.

Sounds like the biatch set him up!