Eagles fans...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...TO is gone, as you know, for the season.

For the whole team and you fans, I am truly sorry. You've had the worst injuries, year after year, I can think of. Good luck from here on.

As for TO himself he is about the only guy in the league, off the top of my head, I don't like. To bad, punk. At least you, 'Mr. 'Entertainer', have got your dancing and acting career.

Nanny Pam

Larry Gude said:
...TO is gone, as you know, for the season.

For the whole team and you fans, I am truly sorry. You've had the worst injuries, year after year, I can think of. Good luck from here on.

As for TO himself he is about the only guy in the league, off the top of my head, I don't like. To bad, punk. At least you, 'Mr. 'Entertainer', have got your dancing and acting career.
:blahblah: :duh: :boxing: :moon:


New Member
If you think that we can't win without T.O., you're sadly mistaken.

2 years ago, we made it to the NFC championship game with a 3rd string quarterback, winning 5 of 6 games before that.

Granted, Pinkston has developed a eery "flinch". Mitchell, Smith, and Lewis and Westbrook have all come thru with big plays in the few games where T.O did little more than draw two defensive players away from the real play.

Right now, there isn't a single team in the NFC that can play with the Eagles, with or withot TO.

And as was again shown last night, the TOP AFC Teams are getting tired, at least it would seem that way. They don't seem as unbeatable as they were a few weeks ago.

The better teams find a way to win without their star players. And some teams just can't seem to win with them.

Who knows, Maybe TO's next game will be in Jacksonville on Feb 6. :boxing:
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
I guess I'm not coming off as I meant...

I am sincere in my dislike of TO. The way opponents consistently try extra hard to kill him week in and week out tells me I am not alone.

I am also very sincere in my wish of good luck to you Eagle people and sympathy for your injury travails.

I meant no ill wind.


New Member
It's funny. The only ones that dislike TO, are the teams (or those temas fans) that play against him. Other than Baltimore, no one has any reason to dislike him.

Other than his obvious field antics, he has become a powerful voice on the sidelines. He is a leader and able to lift spirits and bring out the best in the other players.

Watch the next Eagle's game. TO will be in the face of the other receivers and RB's getting them to step up. He'll be in McNabbs ear and probably Reids ear as well. Even though he is not on the field, no doubt, he'll still be entertaining as hell to watch.

And to make another note, TO is just as cocky and arrogant as the city that he plays for. :wink:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Yes, well...

And to make another note, TO is just as cocky and arrogant as the city that he plays for

Like I said, I respect the EAGLES. Not TO and not the city that throws snowballs at Santa Claus, cheered Mike Irvins career ending injury and the fans that beat up and broke the leg of Redskins fan and un-official mascot Zema Williams when he had the gall to come to the Vet.

If you think we'd like him here, you're wrong and if you think San Fran misses him you're wrong. He's a disrespectful punk. I don't like it when our guys act like they won the lottery when they make a first down either. I find good play entertaining enough which is why I do reluctantly respect TO's talent. He is one of the best.

Unfortunately, learning from THE best ever, Jerry Rice, he learned...nothing of substance.

Glad your happy with him!


Nothing to see here
Ponytail said:
in the few games where T.O did little more than draw two defensive players away from the real play.

There, you said it yourself...last two games, squeakers, beating the skins and boys. TO is HUGE to the Eagles offense. His injury brought the Eagles back to the pack that will make the playoffs in the NFC.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...that was me, not she.
:lol: I figured.

Good points. And all but TO, has been proven to be corrected thus far. Yea, it did take placing and holding court during the Eagles games, and actually buildiing one into the new stadium. And cutting beer sales off at the end of the 3rd quarter. The fans were out of control buut we've had no incidents similar to what you have mentioned in quite some time.

I went to the season opener. It was my first NFL game ever, and there were lots of Giants fans in the stands. Other than the usual ribbing by both sides, it was nothing less than fun.

TO on the other hand...all I can hope for is that while he was in SF, was just a product of the coaching staffs seeming inability to coach. I don't know though. I wasn't following him or football all that closely then.

TO is a professional and with any sport, intimidation is a part of the play. TO has a knack for getting under his opponents skin, which is an element itself of taking the opponents out of the game.

TO's dimeaner off the field is NOTHING like what you see on the field. He's not beating up his girlfriend, doing drugs, getting pulled over for DUI or talking chit about his team mates like you see so many other "star" players doing.

Reid and TO respect each other. Reid leads by example. The fans respect that as does TO. If you compare the first few games with the last few games that TO was a factor in, there is a HUGE difference. There's VERY little show boating compared to the first few games. I would think that that is due to Reids wishes, and TO maturing.

The 'skins and the birds have had a LONG standing rivalry. The fans of each team have NEVER liked the fans of the other. That feeling follows the players. Philly did get out of hand for awhile there with Skins and Cowboys fans but again, that has improved drastically.

To say that TO is disrespectful is WAY off base. When Spring was taken out of the game last week, TO was right there next to the linebacker that put the hit on Spring. He had an obvious look of concern for the guy. Since joining the Eagles organization, what examples of disrespect are there?

TO's showboating stops as soon as the game is over. He's always one of the first to shake the hands of the opponents after the game, win or loose with no BS.

I think TO is getting a pretty hard rap from his SF days. Like it or not, the NFL has needed a guy like TO for quite a few years now. Long gone are the days when the headlines were about Marino, Namathe and "Neon" Dion Sanders. There hasn't been any stars to go watch, that make headlines for their PERFORMANCE nationwide, other than that Colts QB (What's his name) who's play is so effortless, it's boring.

The Eagles have TO. The Sixers have Iverson. It doesn't matter what city they are in, people go to see them play. They are amazing athletes still in the early years of their career. They're going to do and say stuff that thay have no business doing. Both have matured and are visibly getting better both in their play and their sportsmanship. It takes a good coach and respect OF that coach by the players for a player to mature into a respectable team figure.

Years ago, the Sixers had Sir Charles Barkley. Orlando Magic had Shaq. And oh yea, what ever happened to that Tampa Bay Buccanear, Warren Sapp that was so obnoxious with his chatter and show boating on the field and off?
It seems that folks used to LOVE Mr. Sapp when he'd go off on his little rants that were seemingly a daily occurance. He is still playing, right? Hmmm...I guess he's been muzzled by that Oakland team somehow. :wink:


Swinging on Vines
Ponytail said:
And to make another note, TO is just as cocky and arrogant as the city that he plays for. :wink:

I suppose that's why Allen Iverson lives in Philly, too?

They are two peas in a pod. A very ghetto-pod-
but a pod none-the-less. :howdy:


New Member
pvineswinger said:
I suppose that's why Allen Iverson lives in Philly, too?

They are two peas in a pod. A very ghetto-pod-
but a pod none-the-less. :howdy:

What, no red Karma with that? :rolleyes:

Nuttin' wrong with ghetto. I'm considering getting my hair done in corn rows too. :lol:


New Member
pvineswinger said:
I figured the the whoopin' the Steelers gave the Iggles would be more painful for you... :howdy:
That wasn't painfull at all. You could see that one coming for weeks.


New Member
pvineswinger said:

That was posted after the game...
Hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20.

Here's one:
Hey, I knew George Bush was gonna win the election, I saw it coming for weeks!!:killingme

You must be a democrat if you thought otherwise. :shrug: