Eagles game, fan on field....


Big Wheelin'
Did anyone else remember seing the fan run on the field during the game? My wife doesn't believe me, yet it was one of the best parts of the game, 2nd best hit.
ask A. Crumpler what the best hit was....if he remembers.
they showed no replay last night of the field runner, and understandibly so,
hope it makes the not top 10 on SC. :shutup:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Saw it, they took the cameras away real quick so as not to give the "jerk" his 15 minutes of glory.


Football season!
yea, that was a great hit. But also the hit on Vick by that 330lb DT was pretty nasty, considering Vick is like 210


Football season!
That guy thought he was just having fun. But without knowing his intent, the guards have to act as if he is there to do harm. I've heard some ramblings that the guard shouldn't have taken him out like that. BS. He very well could have been some crazed maniac who would like nothing better than to commit murder on live TV. Heck, i think they should have rodney king'ed his ass while he was down.