Well...we know why...don't we? Same reason he's threatens "veto" every time he steps outside, yet only used the veto once before the Dems took the majority in Congress.
President Bush is irrelevant, now.
Well..not completely.
The only thing he can do is veto things, and be "Commander-In-Chief". He can also hope some justices die...to appoint some more conservatives. He's dead in the water...which is why he's desperately trying to pass the BS Immigration "reform" bill. He realizes...after 6 1/2 years..he may not have done
anything positive for America.
And that scares him.
He can't do hardly anything besides commit more American military troops to die in Iraq. And he's going to do
that as much as he can...full speed ahead...until he's no longer more powerful than the guy at the counter at your neighborhood 7-11.
Because..if he changes course..that would mean he was wrong. And there's nothing that Bush hates more than acknowledging he was wrong. About
His plan for Iraq? Desperately hold on until he can hand it off to the next President.
The Emperor has no clothes.
No surprise to most of us...but shocking to some.