The main actor is Shawn Ashmore - he was Iceman in the X-Men movies.
"The Wizard of Earthsea" was written in 1969, and is the first of a series of books Ms. Leguin wrote through the 70's. While it is certainly true that LOTR (the books, not the movie) influenced every fantasy book to come after it (since he began them in the 30's and finished in the 50's), the Earthsea books stand very well on their own. They're the most readable of Leguin's books - most of her other stories, such as "The Left Hand of Darkness" and "The Dispossessed" I found tediously dull (although *everyone* should read, or watch, "The Lathe of Heaven", a fascinating story about a man whose dreams always come true, and in fact, *alter* reality).
I'm sure Earthsea resembles LOTR on TV, but they're not connected except that they are both fantasy - fantasy stories often look alike.