Easy concept!


New Member
Yesterday, while watching Dr. Phil, the mayor of Philadelphia was on. He talked about being at his grandson's baseball game, and his son said, "Dad, I want you to be around for ALL of his games for many years to come" or something to that affect. It was a "wake up" call for the Mayor to get in shape.
Since June, the mayor has been cutting out sugar and then eating his regular meals but cutting the portions in 1/2. He said, if he goes out to eat, he'll cut his steak in 1/2 and basically put the remaining meal in a "to go" box for lunch the next day. He's lost about 40+ lbs!

I thought, "cool" that's easy and something everyone can do. I just thought it was a neat concept. Way simple and something anyone could do. Last night, I cut my baked potato is 1/2, and had a smaller chicken portion. I was not hungry and did not feel deprived.

I do firmly believe in exercise, and I try to exercise every day -- but I struggle more with the FOOD thing. So, I'm going to be more aware and try to follow what the mayor has been doing. Sounds simple enough!