Ebay feedbacks..


Does my butt look big?
I have 5,328 Feedbacks received (and more then 1/2 I am sure do not leave feedback) 100% positive :faint:


Witchy Woman
Wirelessly posted (LGE-VX9900/1.0 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/2.0)

What do you sell on ebay? Horsey stuff? Do you have an ebay store? Do you make any money doing it?

Enquiring (nosey) minds want to know.... :biggrin:


New Member
What do you think of the new rule, where sellers can't leave negative feed back to buyers, so buyers will not be afraid to give their true opinion for fear of receiving negative feedbacl themselves?


A proud Conservative!
What do you think of the new rule, where sellers can't leave negative feed back to buyers, so buyers will not be afraid to give their true opinion for fear of receiving negative feedbacl themselves?

IMHO - I think it is great. I'm very very immature - so, when I am not happy with a transaction (after numerous e-mails, etc.) I would simply not leave a comment because I didn't want a negative on my record. I know! That was very immature and foolish - but that is how I feel - so bite me!:killingme


New Member
IMHO - I think it is great. I'm very very immature - so, when I am not happy with a transaction (after numerous e-mails, etc.) I would simply not leave a comment because I didn't want a negative on my record. I know! That was very immature and foolish - but that is how I feel - so bite me!:killingme

As a buyer only I think it is great too! You had to in the past suck it up when a transaction was less than perfect for fear of retaliation. This however does not help future buyers who might be looking at their feedback that you gave positive to but you really weren't that happy. I am not sure how it will affect the sellers who may became victim of an unreasonable, nasty buyer. We will see.


A proud Conservative!
As a buyer only I think it is great too! You had to in the past suck it up when a transaction was less than perfect for fear of retaliation.

Retaliation has always been a problem. I bought two Cell Phones from the same person. The 1st one was "as promised" (new). The 2nd one wasn't. I immediately told the seller and he said he was on travel (Xmas) and after all the e-mail exchanges - it was simply tooo late to even stop the charge. He only had a few "negatives" but he always Retaliated so I sucked it up and simply didn't leave any comments.

This however does not help future buyers who might be looking at their feedback that you gave positive to but you really weren't that happy.

I'm not proud of "not leaving a comment." However, I simply didn't want any negatives on my EBay account. I never for one moment considered leaving a "positive" comment - just didn't leave anything for that purchase.

I am not sure how it will affect the sellers who may became victim of an unreasonable, nasty buyer. We will see.

There are a lot of buyer's that everything has to be perfect (shipping time, etc.). I've noticed the "newbee's" are the ones that leave "negative" most often.


New Member
Retaliation has always been a problem. I bought two Cell Phones from the same person. The 1st one was "as promised" (new). The 2nd one wasn't. I immediately told the seller and he said he was on travel (Xmas) and after all the e-mail exchanges - it was simply tooo late to even stop the charge. He only had a few "negatives" but he always Retaliated so I sucked it up and simply didn't leave any comments.

I'm not proud of "not leaving a comment." However, I simply didn't want any negatives on my EBay account. I never for one moment considered leaving a "positive" comment - just didn't leave anything for that purchase.

There are a lot of buyer's that everything has to be perfect (shipping time, etc.). I've noticed the "newbee's" are the ones that leave "negative" most often.

I feel exactly the same way you do. Maybe ebay has realized the old way just wasn't working to get the truth out there! Hopefully it won't bring out all the nasties for the poor sellers that are really trying! On the other hand it will weed out the bad ones!!
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Does my butt look big?
Wirelessly posted (LGE-VX9900/1.0 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/2.0)

What do you sell on ebay? Horsey stuff? Do you have an ebay store? Do you make any money doing it?

Used to do lots of horsey stuff...a friend and I did about 10K a month before 9/11..she quit her job (RN high up in a nursing home) so we could do it full time..we did good for a long time..but after 9/11 ebay dropped..I just sell some tail and misc stuff now..nothing much and I loose more in ebay fees then I seem to make...

Inquiring (nosey) minds want to know.... :biggrin:

What do you think of the new rule, where sellers can't leave negative feed back to buyers, so buyers will not be afraid to give their true opinion for fear of receiving negative feedbacl themselves?

I have not had to leave a neg since they changed it so not sure how it works..but if I have to file a non paying bidders alert and a final value fee refund I will leave a neg...I had a 99.7% pos until they went to last 12 months only...and almost ALL of my neg were retaliation feedbacks from when I left a neg first ..most non payers..how a non payer can leave a FB is beyond me..


Well-Known Member
I sell and buy on ebay. I only has 202 feedback, but since the rule have changed, I have had two buyers bid only not to pay. One item was for my wedding dress and the "guy" simply said his girlfriend changed her mind! WTF, so I had to wait 7 days to report him as a non-bidder and then another 8 days to get my relisiting fee credit approved before I could relist it.

Then the day after I relisted the dress, I check on the status of my non-payment dispute and learn that Ebay removed the non-payment strike against this person. I emailed ebay questioning why the strike was removed (and mind you, this guy already had one negative feeback for non-payment, which was over a year ago and he had 51 feedback, so that is why I wasnt exteremly concerned)....any the email I got from Ebay stated something to the extent that they reviewed the dispute and after receiving a response from the buyer, they decided the strike was to be removed. Becuase of a privacy policy they could not dislcose the reason. Well according to the dispute, no response was filed and the only resonse I received from the buyer that his girlfriend changed her mind. So I was stuck with the dress for an additional 15 days, I couldnt leave a non-pay comment and he got off sky free.

My other auction, the lady purchased 5 different items, I was skeptical because she only had 2 feedback, but they were recent feedback. Well she emailed me after I invoiced her and she said that paypal has changed her account and now they require her social security number and she said "they anit going to get that" sorry I can not purchase your items.

So rather than go through the same process, I just relisted the items. I didnt have an opinion one way or another with the feedback issue until this past month. Now I am against the fact that sellers cant leave feedback, because this is costing me more money and now I will cancel bids if a buyer has a nonpayment mark or any low feeback and I hate to do that to new people that is trying to buy things, but I cant take a chance anymore.