Ebay/paypal phishers


Does anyone else get tons of emails that look like they are from Ebay phishing for login/passwords?

I must get 10 a week trying to get me to click a hyperlink and put in my login and password for both Ebay and Paypal.

They all have the logo's and look legit except if you hover the cursor over the link it does not go to either?

I have sent the emails to Ebay and Paypal and never have heard back.


New Member
Yep. I get them all the time, too. I delete them all. I have sent a few to E-Bay and have received a response back. My SIL clicked on the link and entered her info on one of the E-Bay emails and they stole her and my brother's identities. They are having a heck of a time. It has also effected my mother's bank accounts since they use the same bank.


Set Trippin
sdm said:
Yep. I get them all the time, too. I delete them all. I have sent a few to E-Bay and have received a response back. My SIL clicked on the link and entered her info on one of the E-Bay emails and they stole her and my brother's identities. They are having a heck of a time. It has also effected my mother's bank accounts since they use the same bank.
Kindly post your sil's email addy, I am trying to unload the London Bridge, I will give her a smokin deal on it...:yay:


New Member
I've gotten emails too but I've also gotten phone calls that were iffy. My rule is if I think it could be legit then I call my credit card company or contact the company direct never through a link or a number they leave. These days you can never be to careful.