Ebola, A Nurse's Perspective


flu season is upon us, the initial stages of Ebola are like the flu, and its human nature to be in denial, so many people, if infected, would hope its just the flu and wait it out, they are not showing symptoms indicative of Ebola, but they ARE symptomatic of something, and therefore, by the CDC definition, would be contagious.

I thought this was a pretty good article written in a way most will understand. If it has already been posted, well sorry about that, there are 100's of postings and various threads on this subject making it hard for somebody with a full-time job to keep up. :ohwell:



Well-Known Member
Got mine last month, and my daughter got hers during her sports physical. Most insurance plans cover it, so might as well.

We know lots of nurses here, both male and female, along with several close friends that are paramedics, and have contact with them on a regular basis. The Ebola has them really worried. There is literally no training or the proper equipment available anywhere around here in FL. Ambulance and first responder personnel are very jittery about what they might run into with patients. They are scrambling to get up to speed as well as possible.
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