Economist Blames Foreign Aid for Africas Problems


Well-Known Member
Most animals treat others in their pack better than these leaders treat their own people.


Methodically disorganized
czygvtwkr said:
My first thought was he was going to say we don't give them enough, but heck I like this guy.
Wow, and I was so sure that dumping billions of dollars into the pockets of corrupt warlords would solve the problem. :ohwell:

"They forget about getting their own people working to solve these very basic problems. In Africa, we look to outsiders to solve our problems, making the victim not take responsibility to change."
Gee, I wish I could place what other country this reminds me of...

I must be forever grateful that our ancestors ran away from the African continent.


The other side of this coin is just barely touched on... that being the overpopulation of the area. What good is sending tons of food into the area going to do? Get people strengthened up so they can have even more kids and make the problem worse? So that they can then demand that someone provide schools and houses for them?

I think that natural law dictates that if you're in a land where there's no food, you move to where there is food or you die. You don't wait around waiting for handouts.


Bruzilla said:
I think that natural law dictates that if you're in a land where there's no food, you move to where there is food or you die. You don't wait around waiting for handouts.

Oh yea thats just what we need more on the welfare rolls here.


Methodically disorganized
Bruzilla said:
The other side of this coin is just barely touched on...
Right. It's not possibly economically plausible for us (non-African nations) to send enough money for them to get 'on their feet'. And, as you said, even if they received enough money to stay well-fed the domino effect would carry the problem to housing, healthcare, et al.

But it should be obvious that money (or a lack thereof) should not be their primary concern, but the warlords that shoot their way into power. They are the single biggest cause the citizens have no money. If the militants are not corralled and the people continue to expect other nations to solve their problems the bulk of the continent will indefinitely remain destitute.