
mrs potts

My husband and I discovered that our truck had been egged last night!! Grant you it is an old truck --- but, hey it isn't target practice!

I know this is a old problem - but don't people respect other people's property??

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TWLs wife

New Member
Not anymore

Most of the kids I see there parents just don't. They say (not my kid). More parents need to get in the picture. ask what their children are doing. Check out their kids friends. That would HELP!!
:bonk: :bonk: :bonk:

Bertha Venation

New Member
Originally posted by mrs potts
My husband and I discovered that our truck had been egged last night!! Grant you it is an old truck --- but, hey it isn't target practice!

I know this is a old problem - but don't people respect other people's property??

Damn, Mrs. Potts. Sorry to hear about it. I figure the same queebs who egg cars & TP trees are the stupid lazy asses who throw trash out their car windows. That #### burns me up.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I hope you washed it off ASAP before it ate the piant. I just had mine repaired last week, to the tune of $600!


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by RoseRed
I hope you washed it off ASAP before it ate the piant. I just had mine repaired last week, to the tune of $600!

someone egged your new baby? :frown:


that sucks. my truck got egged a while back, but i just happened to have some touch up paint from the dealer i had swindled earlier. there are some things people just shouldnt do......

hope the paint is ok on your truck mrs potts