Would you like some?
I'm feeling pretty tired at this point. Maybe I'll nap first and do something with them later today.
Would you like some?
I'm feeling pretty tired at this point. Maybe I'll nap first and do something with them later today.
Will you fill them with cream cheese and deep fry them for me?
been there done that this year, along with habenaro (spell), thai chilli, cayene's
the plants were loaded.
use gloves, don't touch yourself where it just might set you afire. lol
...that settles that. Hard Times it is tonight.
You might want to send Sharon a PM giving her tips and how to's about handling peppers and such.
Like, don't handle your peppers and then rub your eyes?
don't touch yourself where you might feel fire!?
what are some other ones? don't touch yourself where you might feel fire!?
My peppers were murdered by the frost.
I want one of these.
I have one, but it only holds a dozen peppers. I should've bought 3 of them because they go fast once you make them.
I want one of these.