EJ Dionne on guns...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...Washpost today;


I love EJ because he consistently asks questions like this; "Why do we always seem to take 1 plus 1 and come up with 3?" ...and then, before the column is over, he does it himself. Which always makes me want to say "OK, EJ, I give. Why do you always take 1 plus 1 and come up with 3?". He did it twice today.

Today he says;

Why do we have the same futile argument every time there is a mass killing?

I'll bite, why?

Advocates of gun control try to open a discussion about whether more reasonable weapons statutes might reduce the number of violent deaths. Opponents of gun control shout "No!" Guns don't kill people, people kill people, they say, and anyway, if everybody were carrying weapons, someone would have taken out the murderer and all would have been fine.

And we do nothing.


Obviously, EJ is not very familiar with the incredible amount of gun laws, both reasonable and not so much, in this country. You'd think working in DC would at least provide a clue or two?


In other spheres, we act reasonably when faced with new problems. When Richard Reid showed that nasty things could be done with shoes on airplanes, airport security started examining shoes. When liquids were seen as a potential danger, we regulated the quantity of liquids we could take on flights.

Whether you agree or not with these things being done, there is a straight forward logic involved; Shoe bomb? NO SHOES ALLOWED. Shampoo bomb? NO SHAMPOO ALLOWED.

Pretty simple, right?

So having once again established 1, my man EJ gets another 1;

If we can act pragmatically in the skies, why can't we be equally practical here on the ground?

Yeah! Let's be practical!

And the answer is;

Okay, let's be specific. What would the NRA's objection be to a law requiring gun dealers to establish whether a potential buyer is a student and, if so, to inform (or even get permission from) the student's high school or college before any weapons could be sold? What about raising the minimum age for purchasing a gun to 25 or 30? Why not renew the ban on the sale of assault weapons?


An effed up young man kills 33 people including himself. Many people have come forward, including law enforcement, at least one judge, health care officials along with numerous teachers and other fellow citizens to say this guy was a worry, a serious one. He's a known stalker. He's done all manner of other freaky, scary stuff from his writing to taking pictures of girls under his desk, to being a profound anti social. Many have said that when the heard of the shooting and head 'Asian' they immediately thought of him.

So, that's the problem or, 1.

+1 would be let's do something that will address the problem.

A good answer would be;

Ban shoes? No

Ban Shampoo? Nope.

Ban people under 25? So we can change it to 26 later?

Ban Asians? No.

Ban students? You mean the millions who aren't crazy?

Ban male students? Maybe...

Ban people with known and multiple mental and social issues from keeping and baring arms?

Ban guns that had nothing to do with this, the dread 'assault' weapon?

Make crazy students get permission from their school before they can have a gun?

And the answer is;



Larry Gude

Strung Out
We have a winner!

forestal said:
Gun laws don't mean much when you have loopholes big enough to drive a truck through, so, obviously it's; Ban people with known and multiple mental and social issues from keeping and baring arms?

....good work!


New Member
forestal said:
The Gun Show loophole which allows people to buy hand guns without a background check.

There is NO SUCH THING. I don't know where you get your info, but that is simply not true. Go to a gun show, and try it. Let us know how many guns you walk out with, without getting a background check done.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

forestal said:
The Gun Show loophole which allows people to buy hand guns without a background check.

..is this thing on? Are you reading this? There is no gun show 'loop hole' and there has not been for years. You've been so informed numerous times.

I'm starting to wonder if you aren't some sort of auto responder that can only spit out what has been programmed in.

do si do...zzzt

do si do...zzzt

do si do...zzzt



Lovin' being Texican
Forestal said:
Gun laws don't mean much when you have loopholes big enough to drive a truck through, so, obviously it's; Ban people from purchasing guns while driving a truck?



New Member
Larry Gude said:
..is this thing on? Are you reading this? There is no gun show 'loop hole' and there has not been for years. You've been so informed numerous times.

I'm starting to wonder if you aren't some sort of auto responder that can only spit out what has been programmed in.

do si do...zzzt

do si do...zzzt

do si do...zzzt

Forestool's a nappy headed idiot. You just can't :deadhorse: into him.


forestal said:
Gun laws don't mean much when you have loopholes big enough to drive a truck through.

Lets just making shooting someone in cold blood illegal, oh wait.......

Seriously now what makes you think someone would obey a gun law that might get them a few years in jail when they dont obey the "thou shall not kill" law that may get them executed or put in prison for life?