Election 2012

2012 election. B. Hussain Obama or Sarah Palin

  • Obama, of course

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Sarah Palin has my vote

    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • Neither, I'm gonna cry that day and hope for a better choice next time

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • I don't think either will be eligible for the job in 2012

    Votes: 4 16.0%

  • Total voters


Just out of curiosity, let's say Sarah Palin was running against B. Hussain Obama in 2012. These were your only choices. Who would you vote for?


Just out of curiosity, let's say Sarah Palin was running against B. Hussain Obama in 2012. These were your only choices. Who would you vote for?

Another favorite bumper sticker of mine.........


  • hopey.jpg
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Another favorite bumper sticker of mine.........

Just a prediction....

I don't think Obama will be assasinated or anything like that but I do think it will come to light that he was never qualified to be President. This will occur about a year, maybe a little earlier, than the next election. By then, Obama will have lost some of his followers and Joe Biden, the VP, will be our acting President. Biden will churn the stomachs of so many people on both sides that they will vote for whomever runs against him.

My crystal ball doesn't tell me who will run against him yet. I don't really think it's gonna be Palin but I may be wrong. In any case, whoever it is will likely be our next President.


F*** Socialism!
Just out of curiosity, let's say Sarah Palin was running against B. Hussain Obama in 2012. These were your only choices. Who would you vote for?

My liberal friends at work and home (and there are MANY if you are lucky enough to reside in Maryland) are very quick to announce Palin has neither the smarts or the experience to be President. It is just too bad they can't counter that argument when you point out who is in the WH now.

Obama's election proves the American people do not care at all about experience or smarts and past associations don't mean a thing.

I am not 100% behind Sarah, yet, though I am leaning that heavily way. I really want to see what she is up to with the resignation thing. There is still time to see - I really DO NOT want to see another TWO year(!) primary season.


My liberal friends at work and home (and there are MANY if you are lucky enough to reside in Maryland) are very quick to announce Palin has neither the smarts or the experience to be President. It is just too bad they can't counter that argument when you point out who is in the WH now.

Obama's election proves the American people do not care at all about experience or smarts and past associations don't mean a thing.

I am not 100% behind Sarah, yet, though I am leaning that heavily way. I really want to see what she is up to with the resignation thing. There is still time to see - I really DO NOT want to see another TWO year(!) primary season.

If Palin was so dumb and lacking in experience she would be of no interest or threat to the left and they wouldn't waste so much time targeting her. Fact is, she is a huge threat to the left on so many levels and they target those who are. This is how they operate. Funny how they will lie to explain their way out of why they attack her so vehemently.


I bowl overhand
Just out of curiosity, let's say Sarah Palin was running against B. Hussain Obama in 2012. These were your only choices. Who would you vote for?

It doesn't matter, at this point, who I vote for in 2012..

The majority will vote race, and how COOL it is to have a black President, and he WILL get re-elected.. no matter how crappy a President he really is. Not ONE of the celebrities that backed him last year have come forward and said, Yep, I made a mistake.. and I BET (get it BET??) that Oprah will still come out on her show in support of him no matter what kind of shape our country is in.

They'll start the "if you don't vote for him you're a racist" again.. I mean it worked this time, I'm sure it will work in 3 more years too..

I mean, look at our own forums.. ALL of the people on here that voted for him ONE (that I know of) has come out and said.. OOPS, My Mistake, shouldn't have done it! All the rest, I'm assuming, still support him, and will vote for him again for whatever deluded reason they voted for him in the first place..
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It doesn't matter, at this point, who I vote for in 2012..

The majority will vote race, and how COOL it is to have a black President, and he WILL get re-elected.. no matter how crappy a President he really is. Not ONE of the celebrities that backed him last year have come forward and said, Yep, I made a mistake.. and I BET (get it BET??) that Oprah will still come out on her show in support of him no matter what kind of shape our country is in.

They'll start the "if you don't vote for him you're a racist" again.. I mean it worked this time, I'm sure it will work in 3 more years too..I mean, look at our own forums.. ALL of the people on here that voted for him ONE (that I know of) has come out and said.. OOPS, My Mistake, shouldn't have done it! All the rest, I'm assuming, still support him, and will vote for him again for whatever deluded reason they voted for him in the first place..

Yep, I think you're right. I really do like Palin and would love to see her as our President but I think the Republicans are better off playing the race card themselves next time around. Find a black candidate to sway the voters who have a tendancy to vote based on race. Even better, find a 100% black guy, not just a half and half. It really doesn't matter if he's qualified. Just make sure he dresses well and speaks well and is able to tell the people something they want to hear. You know one that uses words like hope and change.


I bowl overhand
And here also what I noticed..

Not one supporter comes in here and says "What are you upset about, look at all the GREAT things he's done, or is doing"

What I see, bar none, is.. We pissed you off.. You're so pissed off that he's the President.. What a bunch of whining losers you all are..

Not one has provided any kind of argument or proof that we SHOULDN'T be pissed.. What that tells me, is some in here voted, and will vote, because they KNOW he's a joke, KNOW he's not a good thing for the country, but also KNOW it will piss a lot of people off.

Just a great big joke, that voting for President stuff..


F*** Socialism!
Funny how they will lie to explain their way out of why they attack her so vehemently.

You nailed it on the head right there. :buddies:

Eventually their foaming at the mouth will begin wirking against them and for Sarah. Americans love a perceived underdog.