Elections and Junk.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

It didn't. That's not what you were saying. You're covering your tracks.
:whistle: You say that but I do not say anything like that and you do not speak for me.

I never took back anything from the post link HERE and I stand by what I said.

But I do not stand by any of your pretended words of speaking for me.

What I said to you is because you show so very much contempt for your children's mom and then you hide behind that thieving child support to justify your contempt and you need to try some understanding and forgiveness and stop degrading your children's mom.

When you pressure her then she breaks and you push her and she folds.

If you object to seeing her as a "lesser vessal" then try seeing that you have possession and control of her kids and you have put a replacement mom in there and you must stop kicking the woman while she is down.

You won the war and you won the prize and your children's mom has already lost, so give her a brake.



Well-Known Member
:whistle: You say that but I do not say anything like that and you do not speak for me.

I never took back anything from the post link HERE and I stand by what I said.

But I do not stand by any of your pretended words of speaking for me.

What I said to you is because you show so very much contempt for your children's mom and then you hide behind that thieving child support to justify your contempt and you need to try some understanding and forgiveness and stop degrading your children's mom.

When you pressure her then she breaks and you push her and she folds.

If you object to seeing her as a "lesser vessal" then try seeing that you have possession and control of her kids and you have put a replacement mom in there and you must stop kicking the woman while she is down.

You won the war and you won the prize and your children's mom has already lost, so give her a brake.

You're changing the subject again. You say you were talking about her and my second wife. But, you won't say how your words go to their "value". Because, that's clearly not what you were talking about.

I wasn't degrading my ex-wife. I was talking about how the failure of our marriage was both of our faults. Your "explaination" doesn't mesh with the facts.

My children have no replacement mom. They have one person they call "Mom". They do have a step-mother, who stood up and took care of my kids like a mother should when their mother wouldn't. Not couldn't, wouldn't. Like you wouldn't for your son, so he found a father figure in his step-father instead of you. Must be why he ignored your advise regarding his illegitimate child's support. Some of the step-father must have worn off, destroying what your genes put in him.

You did take back. You took back that you were talking of all women. You didn't realize that people don't think like you, and now you're trying to cover it up. Be honest, Jimmy.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

You did take back. You took back that you were talking of all women. You didn't realize that people don't think like you, and now you're trying to cover it up. Be honest, Jimmy.
:coffee: It does apply to all women and I said that already,

but the post applied to you.

I am not covering up anything as I could go back and edit the post or even delete that post as that is what a cover up is.

You are the ONLY one that did not like it and I say that is because you can only dish out and take nothing.


Well-Known Member
:coffee: It does apply to all women and I said that already,
I was talking to you and about your children's mom.

And it goes to you pushing or pressuring your new replacement wife / mother too.

If you refuse to apply it as it was posted then you take it out of context.
My words were written to you and about your children's mom. I did not say it about other situations.
You are the ONLY one that did not like it and I say that is because you can only dish out and take nothing.
JPC you are acting like a low life scum sucking............oh wait you are a low life scum sucking peice of...................................stuff.
Oh no you didn't. Women are much stronger than you think. many of us raise our children, take care of our families, work, go to school and so much more. We are not the weaker sex anymore or really ever was. Strength is more than physical.
NO YOU DID NOT GO THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone call CNN ...I was wrong I said JPC could not get any dumber ...........I was wrong!
The "Weaker Sex" my,uh,foot! If it's true "That which does not kill us makes us stronger!" than I am a female Hercules! As far as being morally stronger I think that does not depend on gender it depends on the person. (Of course I still want to see a male give birth without drugs and then we will talk about who can handle pain better!)
Now you're saying that women are too weak to resist adultery? What an incredibly sexist thing to say!

It doesn't seem you're right about me being the only one. And, you're not dishing anything of value out to me. Please, go ahead and try. I know I can take it. I have a clear conscience. How about you?

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.



It doesn't seem you're right about me being the only one. And, you're not dishing anything of value out to me. Please, go ahead and try. I know I can take it. I have a clear conscience. How about you?
:coffee: I have replied to everybody else in the thread and you do not speak for them.

And I have repeatedly pointed the correct way to you especially. :buddies:


The one and only Princess
:coffee: I have replied to everybody else in the thread and you do not speak for them.

And I have repeatedly pointed the correct way to you especially. :buddies:

Well, he can speak for me. So far everything TP has posted was backed up and argued with reason.:howdy:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Don't you ever get tired of saying that instead of standing behind your words for real, with substance?
:whistle: It works for me and I like my stance quite well as that is why I keep repeating it.

And note that I repeat my own words and not some one else's words.

The fact that it might irritate you does gives it an extra flavor to my joy. :yahoo:


Well-Known Member
It works for me and I like my stance quite well as that is why I keep repeating it.

And note that I repeat my own words and not some one else's words.

The fact that it might irritate you does gives it an extra flavor to my joy.
I've got bad news for your sick and twisted mentality (that takes joy in irritating others), it doesn't bother me in the slightest. It's another sign of your weakness - that you can't stand behind and support your own words, that's all. It was just a question.


The one and only Princess
:whistle: It works for me and I like my stance quite well as that is why I keep repeating it.

And note that I repeat my own words and not some one else's words.

The fact that it might irritate you does gives it an extra flavor to my joy. :yahoo:


You really do need to back up what you are saying and without using websites that you have been:whistle:


Well-Known Member
Well I stand by everything that I posted, as all of mine are accurate and mine are true.
It seems someone else knows you're not being honest here.
I have replied to everybody else in the thread ...
If all your posts are accurate, and you posted that you responded to everybody else regarding your misogynisticly sick post previously, can you link me to the response to MMDad? Or, are you actually a liar, as he and I claim?

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.


You really do need to back up what you are saying and without using websites that you have been:whistle:
:buddies: You are welcome to your own opinion,

but I have backed up everything I said,

and using links is how the Internet functions and I wish others would use links to back up their questionable claims.

And according to your previous post you did not even check out the link your post shown HERE so if you are intimidated by links then it is your own loss.

If you need some assurances then the Forum does not allow obscene or inappropriate links just as it does not allow that language.

Others do try to cheat the rules but I never do. :howdy:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

It seems someone else knows you're not being honest here.
:coffee: Why do you try to speak for other posters?

We all speak for ourselves and I read every post on my threads.

You really do not speak for others and it will never be accepted that you do. :bigwhoop:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

If all your posts are accurate, and you posted that you responded to everybody else regarding your misogynisticly sick post previously,
:coffee: I do not believe you know what that word means,

and not dictionary meaning but in application here.
can you link me to the response to MMDad? Or, are you actually a liar, as he and I claim?
:diva: Well of course I am not a liar as I always try hard to be completely honest and correct.

Of course I screw up and make mistakes some times so I am not perfect in that regard.

The dealings between me and the "Dad" is none of your business as me and he have our own understanding and it simply does not include T_p.

If he wants to comment in any capacity then that is his concern and I am not discussing his business with you.

You are not his spokesman nor his representative.



Well-Known Member
:coffee: I do not believe you know what that word means,

and not dictionary meaning but in application here.:diva: Well of course I am not a liar as I always try hard to be completely honest and correct.

Of course I screw up and make mistakes some times so I am not perfect in that regard.

The dealings between me and the "Dad" is none of your business as me and he have our own understanding and it simply does not include T_p.

If he wants to comment in any capacity then that is his concern and I am not discussing his business with you.

You are not his spokesman nor his representative.

You were responding to me when you said your posts were accurate and truthful... You were not honest and truthful... Thus, it was my business.

Good job at diverting off of the current subject, though. I believe we were discussing how you believe all women - no, just my ex-wife and current wife - no all women are lesser vessals, weak and broken when pushed.

Now, you said that this concept applies to all women. Then, why didn't it apply to Monica? Why wasn't she the weaker one, pushed by Bill. If she was the lesser vessal, broken when pushed, wouldn't that follow that Bill was the one in charge? That he was the one doing wrong?