Elections and Junk.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

I'm sure you'll answer ALL my questions tomorrow...

... after you've sobered up. Sleep well. :howdy:
:diva: Actually the idea has come down from "FR" in two post above that it is time for each of us to put on some Christmas cheer and stop the hostilities.

So do not be stubborn and ....... Merry Christmas hvp. :doh:


New Member
JPC... Somewhat off topic here , but what is your view of the Amish and there special laws and regulatiions ( buggies and education etc.. ) arent they in the 5th district ?

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

JPC... Somewhat off topic here , but what is your view of the Amish and there special laws and regulatiions ( buggies and education etc.. ) arent they in the 5th district ?
:whistle: The Amish are law abiding peaceful citizens and I have met many of them and they are okay by me.

As a personal perspective then I do not like their continued enslavement of the horses.

I would like to speak with them about cruelty to animals. :drool:


Methodically disorganized
stop the hostilities. So do not be stubborn and .......
I guess you are suggesting that I was being 'hostile' because I implied you were drunk. I apologize for deducing that because of your extensive relationship with alcohol and because you willfully posted two "drinking" smilies that you were intoxicated, if I was incorrect.

I figured you would love my previous post because you have repeatedly said how you "love questions," and I gave you plenty to chew on with that one.

If I repost it after Christmas, will you then respond, or just continue evading everything I said?

As a personal perspective then I do not like their continued enslavement of the horses. I would like to speak with them about cruelty to animals.
You were actually correct for once, although not for the reason you think you were. I couldn't believe the Amish would abuse or injure the animals which are so crucial to providing the community's livelihood, so I did a quick search. I didn't find much about horses, but apparently many Amish farms do run puppy mills, which the families turn and sell to bolster their income. I would have to search on it more, though...


Well-Known Member
The fact is that a US Congress person (male or female) has limits to their actual authority while having many options for inhancing that authority and very much of my intention after being elected is from the negation of the destructive and improper policies of our incumbant Representative Hoyer.

Particularly my position of being pro-life would be a big improvement over the pro abortion positions of Hoyer and we need this improvement here in 5th District but it is highly unlikely that I could get any real pro-life legislation through the Congress in my two year term.

I would try and I would find other pro-life Reps and team up but I can give no promises of success.
On the topic of this election;

You seem to understand here that you would have no ability to affect the change you seek.

Knowing that abortion laws are state laws, not federal, and that you don't believe that you could affect any change in the laws, why do you say this is your most important issue?

I'm not asking why it's important, I'm asking why it's your issue in running for an office where you cannot cause the change you seek.

Why not wait until the election for the office that would make a difference?

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

I figured you would love my previous post because you have repeatedly said how you "love questions," and I gave you plenty to chew on with that one.

If I repost it after Christmas, will you then respond, or just continue evading everything I said?
:coffee: I read your so-called questions,

and all I see are question marks placed on your own based assertions,

so there is no way for me to give you an honest or effective answer or reply.

There are some things that I can not do.

So I really am not ignoring you or your post. :coffee:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

On the topic of this election;

You seem to understand here that you would have no ability to affect the change you seek.

Knowing that abortion laws are state laws, not federal, and that you don't believe that you could affect any change in the laws, why do you say this is your most important issue?

I'm not asking why it's important, I'm asking why it's your issue in running for an office where you cannot cause the change you seek.

Why not wait until the election for the office that would make a difference?
:diva: I see I am beating the poor dead horse myself,

but, you are not really asking me anything as you have already incerted your own claims as if they were my words and you do not speak correctly for me.

Since your assertions are false and based on things I never said so then the questions are confused and baseless.

I expect to gain a great deal of power and influence by winning 5th District, and you might NOT see that, and you keep refusing to accept what I actually say, and inserting your own wrong interpretations, and so there is nothing I can say in direct reply to that.

I really want to comply with your questions but you are not competant at asking questions.

That is not meant only as an insult, but as constructive criticism.

When you make untrue (or your own) assertions then it is irrelivant to me and I can not find a way to effectively answer you.


Well-Known Member
OKay, help me out then. What assertion do you dispute?

Abortion being a state law?

You saying abortion is your number one goal?

You saying you doubt you could cause change in a House term?

What am I saying that makes you unable to answer the basic question of - why are you running for a seat in the US House of Representatives with at least one main goal of something that is a state function, not a federal one?


Methodically disorganized
so there is no way for me to give you an honest or effective answer or reply.
Hmm, you can't find anything within that post to which you would like to reply? There was quite a range of stuff in there. Not being honest or effective has never stopped you before, so why start now?

JPC sr said:
There are some things that I can not do. So I really am not ignoring you or your post.
But you are not answering... not even trying... not even a little.

I can take away one positive thing: most people will see well-reasoned analysis in my questions, and a complete lack of rebuttal from you. Thanks for bolstering my case, Jimmy! :yay:

I really want to comply with your questions but you are not competant at asking questions. That is not meant only as an insult, but as constructive criticism.
Do you realize the contradiction in claiming that you want to be simultaneously insulting and constructive?

Of course not - look who I'm asking. :lol:

JPC sr said:
When you make untrue (or your own) assertions then it is irrelivant to me and I can not find a way to effectively answer you.
You are on a roll with this stonewalling tonight. Perhaps you are just not feeling well because you are still hungover from last night? :shrug:


bite me
:whistle: The Amish are law abiding peaceful citizens and I have met many of them and they are okay by me.

As a personal perspective then I do not like their continued enslavement of the horses.

I would like to speak with them about cruelty to animals. :drool:

ok, this is so true. Everytime I see the Amish I want to free the horses or walk up and say something about the treatment the horses get. I know this just made me sound like a fruitcake but they treat their horses so bad.


bite me
I guess you are suggesting that I was being 'hostile' because I implied you were drunk. I apologize for deducing that because of your extensive relationship with alcohol and because you willfully posted two "drinking" smilies that you were intoxicated, if I was incorrect.

I figured you would love my previous post because you have repeatedly said how you "love questions," and I gave you plenty to chew on with that one.

If I repost it after Christmas, will you then respond, or just continue evading everything I said?

You were actually correct for once, although not for the reason you think you were. I couldn't believe the Amish would abuse or injure the animals which are so crucial to providing the community's livelihood, so I did a quick search. I didn't find much about horses, but apparently many Amish farms do run puppy mills, which the families turn and sell to bolster their income. I would have to search on it more, though...

No sexy, he is implying that since it is the holidays and this thread has been beaten down lets be nice to one another.:love:


Methodically disorganized
lets be nice to one another.
Yeah, I got that. And we can do that and still volley questions. He is simply refusing to answer.

I thought I was very nice to him in my long post.

I brought up his inconsistencies... which do exist; his narcotics cases... which did occur; him flipping positions... which he has done; and him being a misogynist and sociopath... which he has proven himself to be.

To paraphrase our fine candidate: if he can not handle the truth, that's his problem. :shrug:


bite me
Yeah, I got that. And we can do that and still volley questions. He is simply refusing to answer.

I thought I was very nice to him in my long post.

I brought up his inconsistencies... which do exist; his narcotics cases... which did occur; him flipping positions... which he has done; and him being a misogynist and sociopath... which he has proven himself to be.

To paraphrase our fine candidate: if he can not handle the truth, that's his problem. :shrug:


I am sending some holiday fairy dust your way......

let me know when it is working



New Member
:buddies: Merry Christmas G1.

It is that time of year to be more friendly in our postings.

Ho, ho, ho. :patriot:

You should have thought aboput that before you ran out on your wife and kid,how many Happy Christmas's did he have with you...none...they were all better without you.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

OKay, help me out then. What assertion do you dispute?

Abortion being a state law?

You saying abortion is your number one goal?

You saying you doubt you could cause change in a House term?

What am I saying that makes you unable to answer the basic question of - why are you running for a seat in the US House of Representatives with at least one main goal of something that is a state function, not a federal one?
:coffee: Because abortion is under both State and Federal laws, and it is a hot political issue. :howdy:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Hmm, you can't find anything within that post to which you would like to reply? There was quite a range of stuff in there. Not being honest or effective has never stopped you before, so why start now?
:diva: I believe that what I said was that you make ridiculous assertions and then formulate a question out of that assertion and thereby I have nothing to reply.

I write what I mean and I mean what I write, and not some twisted interpretations.

Like the incompetant type question below.
Perhaps you are just not feeling well because you are still hungover from last right? :shrug:
:popcorn: If you want to be respected and taken seriously then you must rise to the occassion.:drool:


Well-Known Member
:coffee: Because abortion is under both State and Federal laws, and it is a hot political issue. :howdy:
I agree it's a hot issue. From the point of view of the president, he/she suggests Supreme Court Justices which may overturn any or all of different state's laws. From the point of view of a Senator, he/she votes on consenting or not to that suggested Justice nominee. From the point of view of a state's legislator or a state's governor, they can choose to write and/or approve of a state's law.

Notice anyone left out? That's right, a member of the House of Representatives. They have no voice (other than any other citizen), no authority, no bigger iron in the fire than any other citizen.

Which brings me back to my question; why don't you run for a state position (again) so that you would be in a position to affect change?

By the way, if you think I'm wrong regarding this, please link me to the federal abortion law. Thanks!