Elections and Junk.


Methodically disorganized
It appears to me that "hvp" just does not quite know what respect is.
My definition begins with the old directive, "Do unto others...," then I figure in a person's actions, words, and if the two are honest, factual, and congruent. This allows me to respect those with whom I do not actually agree.

You, obviously, harbor another definition. What would that be?

JPC sr said:
Telling a poster... none of this is being disrespectful.
Perhaps, but you never proved the existence of slander, profanity, or theft (via CS). That's your problem, not mine. :shrug:

See that is setting up the question inappropriately.
So you do not believe you should respect fathers and mothers who actually work to provide for their children. Interesting, Mr. Candidate.

JPC sr said:
Mr. Psychiatrist "hvp" is one of those nasty normal people.
Now that I will agree to! :yay: :cheers:


Lem Putt
:coffee: I do not have any "mental health records" to release.

I do not have a mental illness and I do not take any medications for mental illness either.

So I have no record to release. :bigwhoop:

When you were in prison, the judge ordered you to receive Psychological and Psychiatric treatment. Are you saying there are no records of that?

By the way, just because you don't take your meds doesn't mean you don't need them.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

Will you talk at all about your criminal record? Will you talk about your loving family life? Will you discuss any criminal records of your children?
:diva: Since my Biography (abridged) is given on my campaign website ( BioPage ) and that website is also listed in the State elections registry link then I have already told the hard truths for anyone to see.

I will try not to discuss my son at all, as I do not speak for him, and that info is irrelevant.

And the Washington Post has pre-selected questions that will be asked of Hoyer and asked to the Republican challengers and I get the same.


JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

My definition begins with the old directive, "Do unto others...," then I figure in a person's actions, words, and if the two are honest, factual, and congruent. This allows me to respect those with whom I do not actually agree.

You, obviously, harbor another definition. What would that be?
:whistle: I like that "do unto others ... " but my point was in that I will respectfully disagree with others when that is called for.
So you do not believe you should respect fathers and mothers who actually work to provide for their children. Interesting, Mr. Candidate.
:whistle: Well I certainly never said any crud like that,

and if you want to be respected then you need to rise out of the gutter. :diva:

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

When you were in prison, the judge ordered you to receive Psychological and Psychiatric treatment. Are you saying there are no records of that?
:diva: The gov records are not my records and I have no say over those records.

But the fact remains that I do not have and never had a mental illness so there is no record of that.

In due course I told the Judge in much detail that my actions were in open defiance and subversion and not done out of any confusion or otherwise and I believe he got that point.

And my forced evaluations and forced testings by the Courts showed that I was sane and competant.
By the way, just because you don't take your meds doesn't mean you don't need them.
:diva: That is very true, and some times I take meds for my injuries and various pains and injuries but I do usually stop long before the perscriptions are finished.

I do believe that most if not all meds are overly perscribed.:coffee:


Methodically disorganized
Since my Biography (abridged) is given on my campaign website
But previously you told us we could not trust your "abridged" history...
JPC sr said:
It is because I have to tell things in short post while the story covers some 15 years of child support.

Of course I could try to write a year by year autobiography but I say not. (Post.)
So we can not trust the short version, and you do not wish to tell us the entire story. I guess we should be skeptical of any of your "recollections". Correct?

Well I certainly never said any crud like that
This was just a couple hours ago! I said, "I would think, if you were truly working to 'make amends' for being a crappy father yourself, that you would respect and support fathers and mothers who do unlike yourself and actually support their child[ren]."

To that you said, "See that is setting up the question inappropriately," and apparently completely disagreed. Thus, I am left to conclude that you do not respect parents who care for their children, while you do respect those who treat their children like any disposable item and leave without a second thought.

In due course I told the Judge in much detail that my actions were in open defiance and subversion...
I'm not sure which is more scary: that you are a sociopath, which would at least provide a reason for your vile behavior and beliefs; or, that you are totally sane and are simply a calculating charlatan.

JPC sr said:
And my forced evaluations and forced testings by the Courts showed that I was sane and competant.
Every other time you have been to court, I would say it has been your fault... but this time I think you would be justified in suing the state for giving you a clearly incorrect evaluation. Regardless, whatever the findings were, they should be on record somewhere. Your refusal to release these records as vindication should alert any mindful voter.
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Free to Fly
Originally Posted by JPC sr
I like that "do unto others ... " but my point was in that I will respectfully disagree with others when that is called for. "

Really? Then how do you explain the accusations against me in this next post?
Originally Posted by JPC sr
"You having the 3 "wonderful children" means you have the prize, you have the man's children, and you hold them captive like kidnapped prisoners so the dad must pay you child support cash or else he never sees his wonderful children again.

You are a kid-napper demanding ransom money and the unjust laws empower that wrong doing."

That's slander JPC and you never had a right to say it nor have you ever apologized for it. Where is the RESPECT in that post for me? Nowhere.
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JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

But previously you told us we could not trust your "abridged" history...So we can not trust the short version, and you do not wish to tell us the entire story.
:coffee: I have NEVER EVER told anyone not to trust any writings of mine.

You keep making those false accusations and then wonder why people do not respect you.

I stand by everything that I wrote as being true and correct to the best of my abilities.


JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

JPC sr said:
I like that "do unto others ... " but my point was in that I will respectfully disagree with others when that is called for. "
Really? Then how do you explain the accusations against me in this next post?
JPC sr said:
"You having the 3 "wonderful children" means you have the prize, you have the man's children, and you hold them captive like kidnapped prisoners so the dad must pay you child support cash or else he never sees his wonderful children again.

You are a kid-napper demanding ransom money and the unjust laws empower that wrong doing."
That's slander JPC and you never had a right to say it nor have you ever apologized for it. Where is the RESPECT in that post for me? Nowhere.
:coffee: I believe that I did correct that by saying that it is the custody and child support laws that do the kidnapping and it is the unjust law that demands the ranson money and it is not really you or any custodial that actually does it but the custodial is standing behind that injustice done to the separated parents.

You might take that as personally offencive but there it is and that is how it is and I am putting it as respectful as this can be in honesty.

The law does the dirty deeds in the custodial's name.



Free to Fly
:coffee: I believe that I did correct that by saying that it is the custody and child support laws that do the kidnapping and it is the unjust law that demands the ranson money and it is not really you or any custodial that actually does it but the custodial is standing behind that injustice done to the separated parents.

You might take that as personally offencive but there it is and that is how it is and I am putting it as respectful as this can be in honesty.

The law does the dirty deeds in the custodial's name.


You didn't "correct" it - you tried to justify it. You failed miserably. You passed judgement on me unfairly and yes, I took it personally and still do. What was I thinking to expect you to do the right thing and apologize? I bet you have trouble sitting down with your backside on your shoulders like that.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
The truth will set us all free.

You didn't "correct" it - you tried to justify it. You failed miserably. You passed judgement on me unfairly and yes, I took it personally and still do. What was I thinking to expect you to do the right thing and apologize? I bet you have trouble sitting down with your backside on your shoulders like that.
:coffee: I say you are asking for too much,

and it is an unfair demand.

The custodials are going to take their children's dad to Court, have the child support taken by force, have their father put into jail, call the child's father a "deadbeat", yet when I say it is dirty wrong then I am expected to apologize.

And apologize for what? The father is physically and forcibly degraded but your feelings got hurt?



Free to Fly
:coffee: I say you are asking for too much,

and it is an unfair demand.

The custodials are going to take their children's dad to Court, have the child support taken by force, have their father put into jail, call the child's father a "deadbeat", yet when I say it is dirty wrong then I am expected to apologize.

And apologize for what? The father is physically and forcibly degraded but your feelings got hurt?




Methodically disorganized
I have NEVER EVER told anyone not to trust any writings of mine.
Of course not, not in such an overt way. But you could not explain the inconsistencies between the various versions of your history you posted. Most readers can connect the dots from there.

JPC sr said:
You keep making those false accusations and then wonder why people do not respect you.
:lmao: THAT is a false accusation! :lmao: I do not worry about such things because it's pretty clear everyone is on my side. Who is here supporting you?

I believe that I did correct that by saying that it is the custody and child support laws that do the kidnapping...
You did? Where after this post did you correct your language and/or your claims? I have some of the key follow-up posts here...
JPC sr said:
hvp05 said:
I just wanted to make sure everyone noticed this part. You spewed this garbage against TP, other custodial parents, and now godsbutterfly. And you want to cry about slander and lies...
Well thank you and I do appreciate that.
You were seemingly proud of the comments here.

JPC sr said:
godsbutterfly said:
You twisted evil-speaking fool. How dare you accuse me of "kidnapping" my own children for the sake of money?
Having an evil hateful baby's dad for one child is not quite the same as having three kids and now that the divorce is final and you want more child support from that same babies' dad and so it is not a proper claim saying the father is evil still.

So if the dad is that evil then can he visit his own children? or do you only want his child support?
Not only do I not see a "correction" here, I see more rubbing it in.

JPC sr said:
~mellabella~ said:
And a side note, don't let me ever hear you speak to anyone in my family that way again. Talk to me all you want, but I will not tolerate that kind of uncalled for disrespect.
I prefer to speak about the unjust child support thievery in general terms that cover the vast majority of gov abuses.

That the c/s support system is like kid-napping and the separated parents must pay the ransom demands in child support or else never see their own children again.

That is the reality, and I must say that anyone that takes the cash then needs to find a way to take the heat too.
The first two statements here were directed more at the system in general... but in the final statement you still managed to take another shot at the parents - including Godsbutterfly.

So where, in all of that, is a "correction"? I see diversion, and adding onto the original statements, but not correction - and forget about an apology.

JPC sr said:
You might take that as personally offencive but there it is and that is how it is and I am putting it as respectful as this can be in honesty.
Might take it personally? Just because you told GB...
You having the 3 "wonderful children" means you have the prize, you have the man's children, and you hold them captive like kidnapped prisoners so the dad must pay you child support cash or else he never sees his wonderful children again.

You are a kid-napper demanding ransom money...
... you must think she's crazy for taking it so personally, huh?

Is that what you meant by saying you "respectfully disagree" with others? Attack them personally only to back away from your words later? I gave you my definition of "respect" then asked you for yours, which you did not address clearly, so I have to guess here.

I say you are asking for too much, and it is an unfair demand.

The custodials are going to take their children's dad to Court, have the child support taken by force, have their father put into jail, call the child's father a "deadbeat", yet when I say it is dirty wrong then I am expected to apologize.

And apologize for what? The father is physically and forcibly degraded but your feelings got hurt?
You've been having the nightmares again, haven't you? You should be going on the 25th year since your first CS hearing, right? I do feel somewhat bad for you that you can not let go of the obvious anger, that instead of accepting responsibility and moving on, you hang onto it and unleash it on those who successfully work within the system.


Well-Known Member
There is no need to yell at me. I am a nice reasonable sensitive person.
I believe myself to be a nice and sensitive person, but that didn't stop you from saying:
:jameo: YES THAT IS THE ANSWER #$%^&




Call it a reply if you can not fathom the answer,

but that was it, DUH. :biteme:
to me. And, I never got an apology. Not even for you getting around the filter by using #$%^& to replace your dirty words.

But, you've never apologized for ANY of the wrongs you've said about me, and I don't expect you to now. I'm just posting this so you can see that everyone gets angry sometimes, when they think they're having things said wrong about them (you know, like when you're called a "deadbeat" regarding the $27,000 you didn't provide your child, or when someone is a mother and is called a kidnapper for that - little things like that).

But, I started a thread for you to actually discuss things that matter for your campaign. If you're ready to stop talking about things that are meaningless to the House of Representatives, like abortion, child support, your property destruction, the local infrastructure, etc., you can discuss them here. I even gave you a few things to start with, like a press conference.