“Experts across the political spectrum agree that the Electoral Count Act of 1887 needs to be updated to reflect the current realities and threats facing the United States and our election process,” the senators said.“In response, as leaders on the Senate Rules Committee with jurisdiction over federal elections and members of Senate Democratic leadership, we have been working with legal experts and election law scholars to develop legislation that would modernize the framework of the Electoral Count Act of 1887. ”
According to a fact sheet provided by the senators, the bill would:
According to a fact sheet provided by the senators, the bill would:
- Establish Election Day as the deadline for appointing slates of electors, though it does not preclude early or absentee ballot returns, allowing voters in line to vote, allowing votes to be counted before Election Day, or state election laws.
- Set a December 20th deadline to conduct election challenges and contests and to complete the final determination of its electoral slate.
- Gives three days for candidates to file a lawsuit asking to determine an Electoral Slate, in case of a missed deadline, or to challenge any part of the election results.
- Establishes that the Vice President and the presiding officer of the joint session “have no power to resolve disputes” over the validity of Electoral slates or votes.
- Provides “specified limited circumstances” for members of Congress to challenge Electors or electoral votes.
- Raises the threshold for Congress to object to electors, to one-third of the members of both Houses.
- Raises the threshold to sustain the objection to three-fifths of both chambers.
Senate Democrats Unveil Plan To Change Electoral Count Act
A group of Senate Democrats has introduced a draft of legislation that would amend the Electoral Count Act, the law which sets up the process for counting electoral votes. In a joint statement Tuesday, Minnesota Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar, Illinois Democratic Senator Dick Durbin, and...
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