Elite XC: Return of the King


Well-Known Member
Did anyone else watch this Saturday?

I dont understand why they allowed Diaz & his crew to come into the ring to confront Noons.


New Member
Did anyone else watch this Saturday?

I dont understand why they allowed Diaz & his crew to come into the ring to confront Noons.

I watched it, but I'm not a big fan of XC so I just record it and fast forward to the actual fighting.


Well-Known Member
I watched it, but I'm not a big fan of XC so I just record it and fast forward to the actual fighting.

Well go back and watch about 2 minutes after Noons fight. They let Diaz and his crew in the ring and they started shiat w/ Noons Dad. Pops almost beat Diaz down :lmao:

It reminded me of some shiat on WWF, I have no idea why showtime would have allowed that crap to happen.