Email hell


So a while back I goofed up and used my main email address at what I thought was a Best Buy web page. Turns out is was a phony one marked up to look like Best Buy complete with logo's and color scheme.

Within nano seconds of discovering it was fake I clicked the red X not having clicked submit. It was too late. The spam email onslaught began. 20-30 a day. Seemingly from reputable companies, stores, banks, merchandisers, and so on but using strange from addressed like or

While my outlook spam detector works on my home PC and typically catches them all my droid does not so I get pinged all friggin day.

After about 3 months it ended for about 3 months and not it has begun again with a vengance.

My question is; is there a way to reply to these sites with a embedded packet of the most toxic virus ever created by man? Is it possible to write a script that will send 120V 60hz directly to their mouse? I am past the point of just wanting it to stop, I want to torch the bastards to the point they are crisp. I would volunteer to fly to Africa and give them the first 10,000 lashes of a 500,000 lash sentance. I might even go for having the spammers entire family put to death, I need to think about it a bit.

Short of killing this email account, is there any way possible to make it stop?
You could sic DoWhat on them. I hear he does quite a number on snakes.


Short of switching email addresses, not much can be done. Even a call to your mail ISP won't help much as the sending email addy and IP address are always different. Replying/sending/forwarding to those addresses just lets them know that your email is valid, and the onslaught gets worse. Best you can do is enable whatever filters you can, and if gets too bad, turn that email addy off.

Maybe turn off direct email access on the Droid, or use a different email addy, and configure Outlook to forward only those valid messages after filtering.


New Member
I had this happen not long ago...but the spam was in form of fake return messages/replies to email address's I never replied or sent mail to, and I never keep a address book...I changed my password and they stopped after about a week..worth a shot! It was driving me insane
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one day the dark will end
I have 2 main, personal email accounts thru Comcast...and 3 dummy "trash4u, nospam4me, etc thru Comcast..
I use the dummy email accounts for surfing, etc, and I delete them as needed...

Sounds like you need to do the same.

Delete that spammed email and develop a good one and a dummy/trash one.
Makes life easier!


if you use gmail, i believe you can add to your email address so you can easily filter on the sent to box. since that's really unclear i'll give an example.

say you want sign up on bestbuy with your gmail account. if your gmail account is, you could sign up with gmail will know that anything after the plus is extraneous and put it in your normal email. so if you start getting a ton of spam where the to box is you just add a filter that auto deletes anything sent to that address. as an added bonus, you can see who is selling your address.