emanate domain - ba, hum bug


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
eminent domain - ba, hum bug

This is what John Adams thought of "eminent domain".
"The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence." --John Adams
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I bowl overhand
2ndAmendment said:
This is what John Adams thought of "emanate domain".
Is this when your house cast a light, or a glow into the night?? Or when Jameo lives there, and the smell is cast about the 'hood??


A ha! "... as sacred as the laws of God." Thanks to the Supreme Court we no longer hold the laws of God, aka the Ten Commandments, sacred anymore, so what chance does the right to hold property have?

Sorry Mr. Adams, but justice is dead.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
Is this when your house cast a light, or a glow into the night?? Or when Jameo lives there, and the smell is cast about the 'hood??
Thanks. Spelling was correct but for the wrong word. :duh:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
A ha! "... as sacred as the laws of God." Thanks to the Supreme Court we no longer hold the laws of God, aka the Ten Commandments, sacred anymore, so what chance does the right to hold property have?

Sorry Mr. Adams, but justice is dead.
And anarchy is looming on the horizon.


New Member
2A, is Adams directly referring to eminent domain (which provides just compensation to citizens for their property) or just the general protection of private property? From the quote it seems like he is referring to the latter.


I just love how that wascally wabbit Adams manages to somehow merge the sacred laws of God with government falling to pieces... and he does while really meaning that there should be a strict seperation of church and state. By God, that man was THE "Spin Doctor" of the 1700s I tell ya!


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
rraley said:
2A, is Adams directly referring to eminent domain (which provides just compensation to citizens for their property) or just the general protection of private property? From the quote it seems like he is referring to the latter.
He is referring to the protection of private property which the concept of eminent domain violates.


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
He is referring to the protection of private property which the concept of eminent domain violates.

I think that that last part is your own editorial comment because I don't get that out of Adams' quote there. It seems like if Adams was so dead set against eminent domain he would have been opposed to the ratification of the Constitution due to the inclusion of eminent domain in the 5th Amendment.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Do you care to define what "public use" and "just compensation" contained in the amendment mean? A private endeavor to create a development seems beyond the scope of "public use" and with escalating property values how could "just compensation" be adequately determined?


rraley said:
I think that that last part is your own editorial comment because I don't get that out of Adams' quote there. It seems like if Adams was so dead set against eminent domain he would have been opposed to the ratification of the Constitution due to the inclusion of eminent domain in the 5th Amendment.
You ever think that perhaps in Adams wildest dreams he could not have imagined that the fifth ammendment would be bastardized to the point a local government could seize someones home, or in this case 55 peoples homes to make way for a high end shopping mall and a bunch of condo's with sunken tubs?
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Raley, you would feel differently about it if it were your home that you and your wife and children were happy in and you had neighbors you loved. You would feel differently if it were your small business that had been in the same location for 30 years. Then you wouldn't want to sell for any amount of money and you would question what was "public good".

Trust me on this.


New Member
Pete said:
You ever think that perhaps in Adams wildest dreams he could not have imagined that the fifth ammendment would be bastardized to the point a local government could seize someones home, or in this case 55 peoples homes to make way for a high end shopping mall and a bunch of condo's with sunken tubs?

Like I said in the other thread, I disagree with that sort of application of the 5th Amendment. When it is needed is in times like the flattops project, the widening of a road, etc. The Court should have upheld the concept of eminent domain but stopped this project.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Raley, you would feel differently about it if it were your home that you and your wife and children were happy in and you had neighbors you loved. You would feel differently if it were your small business that had been in the same location for 30 years. Then you wouldn't want to sell for any amount of money and you would question what was "public good".

Trust me on this.
Depends on wht they're putting in. I'd kill to have an Eddie Bauer nearby.


This Space for Rent
Bustem' Down said:
Depends on wht they're putting in. I'd kill to have an Eddie Bauer nearby.

Wrong amendment. This one is about the theft of private property, not murder. :razz:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
FromTexas said:
Wrong amendment. This one is about the theft of private property, not murder. :razz:
Not if you're Catholic - then, the 5th commandment is, Thou Shalt Not Kill.

Huh? What? No, I hadn't heard....Ten Commandments? Well!

Never mind.