Embarrassing Songs


Well-Known Member
Let's face it: you wouldn't want to have a bunch of burly bikers roll up next to you at a stop light with one of these songs blaring, but be honest, you move and groove to them in the privacy of your own home. Where you can channel your inner chick in peace!

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Well-Known Member
Speaking of Sweet, my fav:

Actually, I always thought this was Queen. I mean, clearly they were queens, but....


Well-Known Member
Disrespecting the recently passed. :killingme

Um, no.

That wasn't even a good try, mitzi.

Speaking of embarrassing, I really like Shania Twain, as a singer, and...well, I'm a guy, okay? 'nuff said?

I wouldn't want to have anyone see me jammin' to Shania out in public, but in the privacy of my own home...like I said: inner chick! :killingme

Did I mention she's gorgeous?
