Embarrassment to the league


Active Member
I'm a Caps fan so of course I have no love for the Penguins or the Flyers. I just finished watching the Sunday game and the Fl,yers are just destroying Pittsburg. I used to have a little respect for the Penguins because they had some talent but the entire team is embarrassing the entire NHL....

Peter Forsberg

New Member
Fighting is a part of hockey. Always has been always will be. Embrace it or watch figure skating.
Taking runs at players trying to hurt them because you are getting you're @ss beat is different then fighting. If you didn't watch the game you have no business commenting on this.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
I'm a Caps fan so of course I have no love for the Penguins or the Flyers. I just finished watching the Sunday game and the Fl,yers are just destroying Pittsburg. I used to have a little respect for the Penguins because they had some talent but the entire team is embarrassing the entire NHL....
I agree. Go Ovenchicken. :p