Embrace The Suck


PREMO Member
Look at the recent developments in the country of Sri Lanka. They rejected the liberal world order, big time. Sri Lanka once boasted an ESG (environmental social governance) score of 98%. See, when you score high on the liberal world order, the end result is economic collapse, high energy and food costs, and equal sharing of misery. As well, further evidence of the deranged liberal world order is in the Netherlands where farmers are rejecting the destruction of their livelihood due to high fertilizer costs, as well as fuel.

Hmm, does any of this sound familiar?

This is what President Biden and his incompetent economic council advisor Brian Deese are pushing upon the American people. Point of order, a recent report from real economists, Stephen Moore and Jon Decker of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, examined the resumes of 68 Biden economic advisors and discovered over 60% had no business experience. In other words, the deranged liberal world order is being advanced by economic "know-nothings"...remember that political party from the mid-1800s? Well, these economic know-nothings are the reason why America has a 9.1% rate of consumer and an 11.3% rate of producer inflation. And this rising inflation is far outpacing the wage growth in America, but we are supposed to embrace this suck, the liberal world order.

The green new deal is so successful here in Texas that ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) told Texans last week to tamp down energy use. The reason? Well, those wind turbines, which cause so many traffic delays being transported by trucks on roads, ain't turning because the wind ain't blowing. Even Tesla headquarters sent out a notice to Tesla owners in Texas to refrain from charging between the hours of 2-8pm. Energy sources should be dependable, accessible, and reliable. What Texans have learned recently is that solar panels and wind turbines freeze over in the winter and wind fails in the summer. Heck, even Germany has decided to reopen coal fired plants. Instead, our president jets off to Saudi Arabia to fist bump and beg a maniacal tyrant for energy resources when we have an abundance here, and a better quality. That is just stuck on stupid.



Well-Known Member
How crazy is it to use the environment as an excuse to shut down our energy independence and then go to the Saudi's and beg for oil. Does the Saudi oil cause less environmental damage than ours?

No we are being forced to give up Fossil fuels because this mental midget has decided we need to transition to electric when the science for the transition is at least 20 years away. This fool and his minions have already destroyed our economy and caused inflation and recession with their stupid idea that they can control the climate, and change the tides by refusing the American people the product they need to get to work, cook their food, heat their homes, and have energy for recreational uses.

When Samuel Morse opened the first Telegraph he sent this message. "What hath God wrought?"
It wasn't God who brought forth the mess we are now in it was the democrat party when they cheated America out of a real President , and put this senile old man in the White House. 2 more years of this and it will take a miracle to save our country.