Emergency Appendectomy



Well, I have had a fun filled couple of days! My youngest child woke me up at 3:00 a.m. on Sunday morning to tell me his belly was hurting. Called the nurse for the insurance company, she told me to call his doctor. Called and woke up Dr. Sheth at 4:00 a.m. and he said go to the emergency room. 7 hours later we get told he is going in for emergency surgery!!! :faint: So by 12:45 p.m. Sunday, my boy was appendix-less!

He is home now and walking around a bit and hating every minute of it!

So, How was your weekends? :popcorn:


In My Opinion
It would appear that mine was not as exciting. thankfully.

I hope he feels better real soon. Must have been hard on you to see your child in that kind of pain.


:huggy: Thanks BCP! And yes it was very hard! When they told him he had to have surgery they literally had to give him a seditive to calm him down so they could get his IV started and get him ready. He woke up once screaming he needed CPR that was a little bit funny. He watches way too much Discovery Channel! :lmao:


Mousebaby said:
:huggy: Thanks BCP! And yes it was very hard! When they told him he had to have surgery they literally had to give him a seditive to calm him down so they could get his IV started and get him ready. He woke up once screaming he needed CPR that was a little bit funny. He watches way too much Discovery Channel! :lmao:

Glad he is OK..How old is he??
Love the CPR line~~ Funny boy!!!


Yeah he was definitely scared! They had to give him an anti-anxiety medicine to peel him off the ceiling before they could get him ready for the surgery! Poor little guy! But today he is up and moving around pretty well. He is trying to get well quick so he can get on the trampoline that daddy put up yesterday! :faint: I don't know if I'm ready to see that or not! :jameo:


I bowl overhand
Mousebaby said:
Well, I have had a fun filled couple of days! My youngest child woke me up at 3:00 a.m. on Sunday morning to tell me his belly was hurting. Called the nurse for the insurance company, she told me to call his doctor. Called and woke up Dr. Sheth at 4:00 a.m. and he said go to the emergency room. 7 hours later we get told he is going in for emergency surgery!!! :faint: So by 12:45 p.m. Sunday, my boy was appendix-less!

He is home now and walking around a bit and hating every minute of it!

So, How was your weekends? :popcorn:
What insurance company requires you to call before taking a child to an emergency room, and then the insurance company tells you to call and wake up your doctor at 4 AM??


I bowl overhand
Geek said:
Dr. Sheth is so amazing. I am glad your boy is ok :flowers:
*shshhhhhh*, he gets too many more patients, he won't be able to give bubba the attention he needs!!


itsbob said:
What insurance company requires you to call before taking a child to an emergency room, and then the insurance company tells you to call and wake up your doctor at 4 AM??
All those crazy HMO insurances do that.


I didn't call the nurse because the insurance required it. I wasn't sure if he was having an appendisitis or not. I wanted to check with a professional first. She said it sounded like the appendix to her but she wanted me to contact his doctor and see what he thought, so I did. My insurance, for the most part, is great. They require nothing but me showing up at the Dr.s office and having them submit a claim. They will most likely pay for this operation because it was an emergency. I just didn't want to go sit in the emergency room if the Dr. felt it could wait until Monday for him to see my son. My son was not acting sick at all, he just said his tummy hurt, but was otherwise acting normal. I had no clue that you could act so normal and be having an appendisitis! He didn't start acting sick until after the surgery! :shrug: