Employment Question


NOT Politically Correct!!
mike44md said:
Wish I would have stayed in the Military,,, I would have 25 in 10 years ago.. oh well hindsite... hey Chernmax, I have an e-mail here that they are looking for some security for Iraq contractors... interested?

I retired from the military to finally do something in my life for my family and I together in a home that is ours with minimum chance of moving every 2-3 years, I think I'll sit back (but I still work with the government) and enjoy some of the freedoms I helped secure and continuing to secure... :coffee:


New Member
zimmie said:
Two weeks notice used to be standard, now people are quitting jobs on Friday afternoons >>

I can't ever imagine myself doing that. It's burning your bridges on references. If I personally was a business owner, I just couldn't leave someone dangling knowing they had resigned from their job to come and work for me. I have always worked for large organizations in the past & they have guidelines and policies, I got a rude awakening that these small businesses do not. Thanks for the support.


It's Great to be American
SEABREEZE 1957 said:
Haunt you? :confused: Really, I retired from the USN in 2000 and lived in Washington State; I really wanted to find a job there but the market was really saturated; so I used my unemployment benefits for about 6 months until I gave up trying to find a position in the Puget Sound area.

When I got a job here; I had no difficulties re-initiating my security clearance w/a background check included.

I'm not an expert in this area, but like I said, I had no problems. It may be something that is checked, but I don't think it would cause problems unless the benefits were abused.



Unemployment benefits are something earn by working with an employer for a specific amount of time. They should never be considered as a derogatory thing unless, like you have stated, you are abusing the benefit. The only way that can happen is if you hold a job just long enough to collect benefits, then sit on unemployment until it runs out before getting another job.

If you do that 2 or 3 times, they may question it. If you don't get hired, it won't be because of your record of collecting your unemployment benefits, it will most likely be because your record will show that you are unable or unwilling to hold a steady job.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
When did this change?

Mikeinsmd said:
Correct. However, if you quit your job, you are ineligible.

...it's been awhile but I had a couple people come work for me and quit after a week or two and then claim benfits. I called the state when the claim hit me and I explained the person had a job, quit showing up and didn't even call.

Did they fix this?


Thor said:
I feel your pain, last time I got laid off it lasted a year and paying the mortgage damn near wiped out the retirement accounts.

I said not again, and jumped Fed as soon as I could.

edit: If you are technical my agency has a TON of positions open GS13 - GS15


Please PM me with the information on your agency.



zimmie said:
Good luck.....A shame it happened...I think the whole employment picture for employees and employers has changed dramatically in the last twenty years. The days of keeping jobs for 35-40 years for most people has changed. People switching jobs every couple years these days. Two weeks notice used to be standard, now people are quitting jobs on Friday afternoons. No wonder employers have little regard for employees. It doesn't excuse it, but many have become as insensitive as these employees that have left with no notice.

Those were the days when the employee meant something to the companies as well as the companies meaning something to the employee's. Now we are just a number in the workforce. If you stay with any company 30 years what you get is a pen or plaque and shown the door. The Trump mentality is rampid in both small and large corporate America. Also keep in mind that the 30-50 year olds now are more eager and want challenges within thier career. While I seek to be a Fed, working as a contractor downtown showed me that there is alot of dead weight in the rank and file. People who have been in the same jobs for 20+ years awaiting thier age and years before retireing while thier only funtion is to dot an i.


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