End of Times


PREMO Member
Is the Current Pandemic [ and the response to therein ] the Beginning of the End Times

Is One of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse on the World Stage Now


Oh yeah and a Plague of Locusts is sweeping Africa at the moment


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
There have probably been about a dozen time periods just in my lifetime where people thought it was the Apocalypse.

And I learned something (that I kind of already knew, but never really thought about):

We commonly use the terms “Armageddon” and “Apocalypse” to refer to the end of the world as we know it. More specifically, though, Armageddon is a place where the final battle for mankind will be fought, while the apocalypse is the reading of the events that lead to the end of the world. There is also both a religious apocalypse that we will be able to do nothing about, and the secular apocalypse that we might still have some control over.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Is the Current Pandemic [ and the response to therein ] the Beginning of the End Times

Is One of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse on the World Stage Now


Oh yeah and a Plague of Locusts is sweeping Africa at the moment
Just an added bit of trivia, the locusts that invaded the US just before the turn of the 20th century were extinct by the 20th century.


Well-Known Member
I told Gurps I would join in.... this morning I read Zechariah say that God is going to do something miraculous in Jerusalem before Armageddon.

The End Times prophecy isn't just stored in Revelation or Daniel.... it's not confined to what Jesus told the disciples. It's in the minor prophets too.... until today... I hadn't noticed the actual verse about the piercing of Jesus.... so I figure I'm just not smart enough to glean it all.

I figure the antichrist will have something to do with the peace agreement Jerusalem will enter. Kushner is pushing a peace plan but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Israel [what is now Israel] is not new to this process.... there have been a lot of attempts at peace before.... according to the some commentaries.

I don't know if this is end times..... I'm still figuring out the players....



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I told Gurps I would join in.... this morning I read Zechariah say that God is going to do something miraculous in Jerusalem before Armageddon.

The End Times prophecy isn't just stored in Revelation or Daniel.... it's not confined to what Jesus told the disciples. It's in the minor prophets too.... until today... I hadn't noticed the actual verse about the piercing of Jesus.... so I figure I'm just not smart enough to glean it all.

I figure the antichrist will have something to do with the peace agreement Jerusalem will enter. Kushner is pushing a peace plan but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Israel [what is now Israel] is not new to this process.... there have been a lot of attempts at peace before.... according to the some commentaries.

I don't know if this is end times..... I'm still figuring out the players....


Hi Becky! :huggy: I hope you're doing well.


PREMO Member
I don't know if this is end times ..... I'm still figuring out the players ....

Indeed ...


Yeah the AC has not shown up yet, but the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse are mentioned in Rev 6 .. AC in Rev 13

The 4th Horseman on a Pale Horse ... brings forth plagues and diseases .... ❓


Well-Known Member
Indeed ...

Yeah the AC has not shown up yet, but the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse are mentioned in Rev 6 .. AC in Rev 13

The 4th Horseman on a Pale Horse ... brings forth plagues and diseases .... ❓

I didn't know what you meant by AC at first.... lol.... First of all.... I wish we wouldn't start using acronyms for the anti-christ before we even know who he is. God invented jealous but the anti-christ knew jealousy intimately. The anti-christ is jealous of God....he doesn't like it when people worship God..... although satan is just an angel..... the anti-christ believes what satan must have whispered in his ear.... because the anti-christ thinks he is god.... he thinks this is all about him.... he thinks he's the best thing for everyone in every circumstance globally. People think he is amazing..... he doesn't just drink XX he invented it and put the flavor in it..... he's the most charismatic man in the universe.... and he rides a white horse [probably wears a white hat too] but he's a liar and a cheat.... and when he shows his true colors.... it'll be too late.

The horses come in order.... the anti-christ is first on a white horse. So if this is the plague of the pale horse.... or one of the woes.... or one of the bowls..... the anti-christ would have to be here first. He doesn't have to be prominent on the stage because he may attempt to show his power later.... but if the pale horse is here.... the anti-christ is here as well.

What bothers me about all of this.... is the closing of the churches. I don't know how I feel about it. First of all.... most of the people in church are only warming the pews because they are "supposed" to be there. They sleep through the service.... expound all the best catch phrases and shake the hands of all the best people. But.... whenever God leaves the Temple.... humans are in real trouble. God told the people not to count on their chariots because God could make them useless. The churches are already useless [in end times only one in seven churches even comes close to making the cut] but they are symbolic of God.... and closing the churches may diminish the value of God in every circumstance. If prayer can't get us out of this......

So... who could the anti-christ be? If he's on the world stage.... who is he? Trump? Cuomo? Putin? He has to be a big shot or a rich guy..... with charisma.... able to draw large crowds.....



PREMO Member
What bothers me about all of this.... is the closing of the churches. I don't know how I feel about it. First of all.... most of the people in church are only warming the pews because they are "supposed" to be there. They sleep through the service.... expound all the best catch phrases and shake the hands of all the best people.

yeah for the most part who cares ..... the ones that do are still gathering in spite of orders and getting arrested for their troubles

So... who could the anti-christ be? If he's on the world stage.... who is he? Trump? Cuomo? Putin? He has to be a big shot or a rich guy..... with charisma.... able to draw large crowds.....

As much as the left wants to paint Trump as an evil authoritarian dictator I do not see him as the Anti Christ ... or anyone else you mentioned
Maybe a younger millennial like Musk or Zuckerberg



Well-Known Member
yeah for the most part who cares ..... the ones that do are still gathering in spite of orders and getting arrested for their troubles

As much as the left wants to paint Trump as an evil authoritarian dictator I do not see him as the Anti Christ ... or anyone else you mentioned
Maybe a younger millennial like Musk or Zuckerberg


I thought of them.... I thought of Bloomberg and Giuliani too. There are a few overseas that I have considered.... and there's the issue of government rule in Israel [the current area we call Israel anyway]..... they can't get their act together politically right now. I also thought of Tessla..... I mean what anti-christ wouldn't want to take off from earth to become king of the universe.... just saying.

I also thought about Olsteen, Baker, or West? What about the Pope? Why couldn't the anit-christ be hiding in plain site in the church?

Maybe their wealth hasn't caught our eye yet..... perhaps they make their fortune or gather "favors" from those in power during events just like this pandemic or the problems with Iran or N Korea.

IMHO....Humans will be blinded by his seductive charisma..... just like they were blinded by the glitter of the idols they made. Zechariah says there will be a time when we will forget all about idols...

What is the heritage of the anti-christ? What country should we deport him to if we figure out who he is?



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I'm really hoping it's not the end of times.

There's a personal story here, but I'm not willing to share it. However, I'm working hard in my personal relationship with God to reconcile it and prove the worthiness of my cause, or quest, if you will, in my prayers to him. Daily reflections, devotions, and a lot of realizations over the past several months have taught me a lot about life, love and dedication in general.


Well-Known Member
I'm really hoping it's not the end of times.

There's a personal story here, but I'm not willing to share it. However, I'm working hard in my personal relationship with God to reconcile it and prove the worthiness of my cause, or quest, if you will, in my prayers to him. Daily reflections, devotions, and a lot of realizations over the past several months have taught me a lot about life, love and dedication in general.

You know God doesn't need you to make yourself worthy..... and if He has you on a quest.... a pandemic won't stop you.... He's in control. Once you let Him take control.... it's smoother.... not totally smooth... there are still kinks to work out from a life of doing stupid human stuff.... but smoother.....

If it's end times.... well hang on.... we're all in for a bumpy ride.... and 2/3 of us will get bucked off.....



Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Hi Becky! :huggy: I hope you're doing well.
I miss the
Indeed ...


Yeah the AC has not shown up yet, but the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse are mentioned in Rev 6 .. AC in Rev 13

The 4th Horseman on a Pale Horse ... brings forth plagues and diseases .... ❓


Well-Known Member
I just started studying the Book of Matthew....

Matthew 1:17 Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Messiah.​
So here's a question from today's lesson......

Now... all this talk about 14 generations..... the commentaries make excuses for not listing all the generations..... I was just thinking.... there are discussions about "is this end times?" on these forums. With all the virus, fires, locusts and fighting going on in the world.... people are starting to search. Here's a question for those of you who are participating in this discussion. There were two conquests [Assyria and Babylon] and the Old Testament ended. There were two more conquests [Greek and Roman] and Jesus showed up on the scene. Now.... we've had two World Wars..... Matthew said there were 14 generations and 14 generations...... so what I'm asking is... how many generations have there been since Jesus?


Well-Known Member
These days, at least, a generation is considered 33 years, so, roughly, 60 is the answer to your question.

I'm living in a retirement community..... the average age of the people in this community is somewhere around 70 or 75..... so maybe 33 is a little young for a generation.... still it's not 120+..... there aren't many of us who will live to be 120..... and Christians have eternal life.... so I wonder who that fits.

I recall, also, that there was a lot of talk about how long someone remembered their name.... back in the day, the reason a male child was so important was the passing of the name from one generation to another..... maybe that has something to do with the generation count.....

I know finding the right time is impossible.... We're supposed to be watching for His return regardless..... it's just a question to ponder.... on the calculations side of the quesion.



Raisin cane
Now I am thinking about what Jesus said about "this generation shall not pass" until all these things will be fulfilled.....

Here is a link that talks about it

I've heard Biblical teaching on the fig tree representing Israel, and that the fig tree putting forth its leaves symbolizes when Israel became a nation again - in 1948. So if the clock started ticking in 1948, and the generation that lived to see that will not pass before all end time prophesies would be fulfilled, then we must be getting close.

Anyone else have any light to shed on this line of thought/teaching?

Auntie Biache'

Well-Known Member
Now I am thinking about what Jesus said about "this generation shall not pass" until all these things will be fulfilled.....

Here is a link that talks about it

I've heard Biblical teaching on the fig tree representing Israel, and that the fig tree putting forth its leaves symbolizes when Israel became a nation again - in 1948. So if the clock started ticking in 1948, and the generation that lived to see that will not pass before all end time prophesies would be fulfilled, then we must be getting close.

Anyone else have any light to shed on this line of thought/teaching?

There's another theory that the generation is question began in 1914. I don't think we can guess, or calculate the generation. We can only be prepared.


Well-Known Member
I'm living in a retirement community..... the average age of the people in this community is somewhere around 70 or 75..... so maybe 33 is a little young for a generation.... still it's not 120+..... there aren't many of us who will live to be 120..... and Christians have eternal life.... so I wonder who that fits.
A misunderstanding, then. You're thinking of life spans, while a generation is simply the time until one reproduces.