End time events happening before our eyes?


Raisin cane
Obviously with things happening with Russia right now, this is in the forefront of my mind. That and our weak 'leadership' here in the US.

I've always been interested in Biblical prophecy of end time events. Sure seems to me that we are getting very close to what was foretold in the Bible as the times that would happen before Jesus returned. This morning I did a little search on end times and Gog and Magog. I've attached some links if anyone is interested in viewing.

Not only are there these signs mentioned in these videos, but think about how much we are tracked now. Think of the technology that had to be in place (microchips/GPS) for things to happen like 'No man might buy or sell save those that had the mark of the beast, or the number of his name'. Or that we could globally all be aware of events happening around the world in real time.
Global famine and pestilence (worldwide pandemic - COVID).
Super volcanoes and earthquakes (predictions of massive tsunamis, etc)

I'm always interested in hearing other folks opinions and things they have been taught Biblically.
Are you a believer or a scoffer?
