Endometrial Ablation


New Member
Okay, I know there was a thread about this not too long ago and that several ladies said they had this procedure done. My GYN has suggested that I think about having it done due to heavy periods/long periods/anemia. I also have had ALOT of problems with migraines in the past, that are well under control now, but that I try really hard not to do anything to disrupt that.

My question is, for the ladies that have had this procedure, did you notice any hormonal changes that came along with it or was it purely a physical thing? My biggest fear is that I will have this done to take care of the period problem and my hormones will go all out of whack and my migraines will come back with a vengeance. TIA for any insight you may have!


Cleopatra Jones
Okay, I know there was a thread about this not too long ago and that several ladies said they had this procedure done. My GYN has suggested that I think about having it done due to heavy periods/long periods/anemia. I also have had ALOT of problems with migraines in the past, that are well under control now, but that I try really hard not to do anything to disrupt that.

My question is, for the ladies that have had this procedure, did you notice any hormonal changes that came along with it or was it purely a physical thing? My biggest fear is that I will have this done to take care of the period problem and my hormones will go all out of whack and my migraines will come back with a vengeance. TIA for any insight you may have!

Why not just a partial hystorectomy? I'm considering asking my doctor for one due to heavy and long bleeding. I've had a tubal ligation and no need for a uterus. I'm enemic to boot. I'd be more than happy to let them take my uterus and leave my ovaries until nature takes its course there.


My Sweetest Boy
Why not just a partial hystorectomy? I'm considering asking my doctor for one due to heavy and long bleeding. I've had a tubal ligation and no need for a uterus. I'm enemic to boot. I'd be more than happy to let them take my uterus and leave my ovaries until nature takes its course there.

They don't do them as often they used to, they try other methods first. That's why they do the ablation. And it's a total hysterectomy...taking the ovaries is another procedure. :biggrin:


Cleopatra Jones
They don't do them as often they used to, they try other methods first. That's why they do the ablation. And it's a total hysterectomy...taking the ovaries is another procedure. :biggrin:

I'd rather them just cut that sucker out than try some nonsense that may not work. :ohwell:


New Member
Why not just a partial hystorectomy? I'm considering asking my doctor for one due to heavy and long bleeding. I've had a tubal ligation and no need for a uterus. I'm enemic to boot. I'd be more than happy to let them take my uterus and leave my ovaries until nature takes its course there.

This all goes back to not wanting to throw off the hormones and trigger migraines. I chose not to have a tubal ligation because of so many stories of women who have had hormonal issues after a tubal ligation. MDs will tell you that the procedure should not affect your hormones, but many of the women who have had it will say differently. That is why I was wondering about those who have had the ablation procedure. I want to keep all of the parts intact and operating as normal as possible (except for the whole bleeding thing).


Cleopatra Jones
This all goes back to not wanting to throw off the hormones and trigger migraines. I chose not to have a tubal ligation because of so many stories of women who have had hormonal issues after a tubal ligation. MDs will tell you that the procedure should not affect your hormones, but many of the women who have had it will say differently. That is why I was wondering about those who have had the ablation procedure. I want to keep all of the parts intact and operating as normal as possible (except for the whole bleeding thing).

I have horrid migraines and the tubal did not affect them in the least. I do however have much heavier and longer periods. The uterus itself should should not affect migraines, it's the ovaries that produce the hormones if I recall correctly. I have heard of a tubal ligation increasing the odds of early onset of menopause.


New Member
I have horrid migraines and the tubal did not affect them in the least. I do however have much heavier and longer periods. The uterus itself should should not affect migraines, it's the ovaries that produce the hormones if I recall correctly. I have heard of a tubal ligation increasing the odds of early onset of menopause.

That's what I was thinking should be the case... I just wanted to hear from some of those that had done it. I'm sure you can relate with having migraines -- you do anything to avoid one!


Cleopatra Jones
That's what I was thinking should be the case... I just wanted to hear from some of those that had done it. I'm sure you can relate with having migraines -- you do anything to avoid one!

I know that feeling well! Good luck!


New Member
I recently had this procedure done at the end of August. So far, there have been no hormonal side effects at all. My last period was very light, I did still have cramps and very mild bleeding. I too use to suffer quite a bit from Migrains, but realized it was the pill causing them. That is why I chose to have the procedure done and so far, I'm loving it.


Is it all make believe?
I had this done the first week of April and have had no hormonal symptoms of any kind since then. No headaches, cramps, bloating...nothing!!


New Member
I had mine done two years ago this month, no periods since then!:yahoo: The procedure only cauterizes the uterus. You will still ovulate, so no hormonal changes will occur.


New Member
Why not just a partial hystorectomy? I'm considering asking my doctor for one due to heavy and long bleeding. I've had a tubal ligation and no need for a uterus. I'm enemic to boot. I'd be more than happy to let them take my uterus and leave my ovaries until nature takes its course there.

I have a friend that's scheduled for this also. She had a tubal ligation about 4mo ago. She was recently told that this procedure is very common for many to need after a tubal ligation because of heavy/long and erratic bleeding. They didn't give her that nifty piece of info ahead of time - go figure.


New Member
That's what I was thinking should be the case... I just wanted to hear from some of those that had done it. I'm sure you can relate with having migraines -- you do anything to avoid one!

Have they ever checked your B12 levels?
I believe that one of the side effects for that is headaches.


Cleopatra Jones
I have a friend that's scheduled for this also. She had a tubal ligation about 4mo ago. She was recently told that this procedure is very common for many to need after a tubal ligation because of heavy/long and erratic bleeding. They didn't give her that nifty piece of info ahead of time - go figure.

It sounds awful and I'd prefer to just let them cut that sucker out but with the more positive reviews the better it's looking.

I came across this thread. I went to the doctors last week and was told that my uterus is enlarged and shifted??? The doc said it was most likely a fibriod cyst. The last couple of months my periods have been very heavy and painfull. Has anyone had this problem. And do you think this would be the procedure they would perform? I am going today for a sonogram. I've never had any female problems before so I'm alittle scared.


New Member
Have they ever checked your B12 levels?
I believe that one of the side effects for that is headaches.

Yes, I am taking B12 orally right now. I will have my levels checked again in a couple of months. If they do not increase then I will have to try injections. Thanks!


New Member

Thanks everyone for sharing all of your thoughts and experiences. With your feedback and other research that I've come across on the internet, I am feeling much more comfortable with the procedure. Thanks again!


New Member
Make sure they check you for endometriosis as well! Some women can have it and not even know it, others (like me) go through hell - a lot like you described. Best of luck!