Equestrian Forums


New Member
I am a member of several other forums and enjoy them very much. The peeps are helpful and no one gets attitudes or play know it alls. I get a lot of useful information from them. Too many peeps in this forum over react that is why I pretty much stopped posting here. I lurk a lot but mostly stay to myself. Someone will probably blast me for posting this but I expect it from this forum.:diva:
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New Member
I'm always looking for new ones. I enjoy reading COTH, HGS, Fugly, The Outside Course and sometimes Catchride. Anyone have different ones?


Equisearch forums are fun but, they re-did them a couple years ago and that slowed them down a bit.

COTH is also really busy and I don't have the time to keep up with it.

Percheronnetwork.com is a nice BREED forum :)


Ahhhh Florida!
I wish I had the time to look at others. I shouldn't even be checking these, but I like to see what you peeps are up to.:whistle: