Equine Extravaganza 10/30-11/2



Anyone going??

I will be taking Max, as usuall, AND my young stallion Saint Sandro. This will be Saint's first official public apprearance as a "stallion".
Saint Sandro
Stop by and say HI to us!!
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Thank you for the compliments! I am quite happy with him as well!

It's 6am and I am up and at em', ready to leave this morning. Both boys got their scrub down yesterday evening (Max's takes forever - he is not clipped and the white is SO much fun to try and get clean this time of year.). My mind is rolling this morning going over lists, trying to make sure I don't forget anything.

My booth should be quite elaborate this year, if all goes as planned. Takes a good while to set up, but is worth it. My artist friend drew caricatures of each of my stallions on black 4' paper and we will put them on to cover up the ugly temp stall fronts. I am in a corner booth and so going to try and use my 12' round gazebo decorative tent - if show staff doesn't OK it, then the good ole 10x10 square will stand in its place.

My 2 JRT's Barley & B.J. (Barley Jr.) will be helping as usual. They are dressing up tomorrow as well as Max & Saint. Everyone will be decked out tomorrow and should be quite the show!

If anyone makes it down there, stop by and say HI to us!!
Have fun, Tawna! I won't be there but Steuart will - he's got two clinics/demos: one today and one tomorrow. I'm working on the Maryland expo already - putting together our list of speakers. Such fun. (not)
Keep in mind this is for the University seminars there, not the demos, etc. - so it's all (or mostly) stuff on pastures, business, law, health and nutrition. I don't have everyone, yet, but some of the topics (my brain is fried so I can't remember them all) are:
Getting started in Dressage (Phoebe DeVoe and Claudia Kleinsmith)
Getting started in Eventing (guess!) ;)
Protein Myths (yours truly)
Tips for selling your horse (no speaker yet)
The Unwanted Horse: Crisis or Smokescreen (working on that one)
Equine Metabolic Syndrome (Dr. Carey Williams)
Pasture fertilization (Jeff Semler)
Eco-friendly Horse Farms (Elmer Dengler)
Alternative Forages in Hay and Pastures (Les Vough)
Constructing a Sacrifice Lot (no speaker yet)
$ Help for Small Farm Pasture BMPs (Beth Horsey)
And I can't remember any more...which is pretty sad, really, because we've got 29 topics and I couldn't even come up with half. We've had to change things up a bit based on people who said they couldn't do it. Any time you have a suggestion for a topic or speaker, let me know!!!!! Seriously.


New Member
wow, that sounds like a lot of work! good ideas with the selling your horse and the unwanted horse, especially now
Tawna - how did it go with Max? Update, please!

Steuart said his Saturday session was great - more people were there than at John Lyons's session after his. :dye: He said Friday was slow - not a lot of people there. I'm not surprised since it was Halloween.

The person I got for the Unwanted Horse topic is Dr. Midge Leitch at University of Pennsylvania/New Bolton. She's also going to do a talk on trailering. Also got someone from New Bolton to do a talk on Equine Drug Testing - it was a request last year and with all the Olympic scandals, I thought it might be good. What do you all think? Do you think people will come to hear about Equine Drug Testing??
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New Member
drug should be a very real issue for some people, and clarification on it would probably help. i think it should be a required course before you start horse showing hehe